Name: Amelia Capello Gender: Female [center][img][/img] Brushes, clothes, perfume, and passion. Amelia Capello certainly takes her appearance seriously. Her fashion includes influences from famous muggle designers and magazines. Petite and small, she certainly doesn't appear threatening. Her hair is always neatly organized in various buns and a light bit of make-up adorns her face. Sweet (or harsh depending on who it is) smells lightly emit from her, mainly due to any number of perfumes she likes to use. With all the care she gives to her appearance, she certainly does not overdo it and instead has adopted a certain muggle sophistication seen in richer folk. [/center] Personality: Amelia has the base attributes of being lax, outgoing, and friendly. She normally doesn't shy away from a conversation or meeting someone, unless she is rather preoccupied, externally or internally. She'll try her best to satisfy others as long as it doesn't conflict with her own interests and if it does, she'll tell you politely. Persist or threaten her? She'll stand up for herself and fight if it ever came to it. Naturally excited and optimistic, she'll provide warmer feelings in the darkest of moments. Meanwhile some quirks about her personality are minor things but mainly deal with her privileged background. She is a little more emotional on a regular basis, but with a little reassurance, she can keep a lid on it. She also has a taste for finer things and is a bit stuck up in minor ways. Prior History: The eldest daughter of four, Amelia is shining role model for her brothers and sisters. At home, Amelia grew up with a wealthy muggleborn father, but a mother who was a full-blooded witch. Things tended to be more elegant and expensive but Amelia did her best not to brag about it. At school, she was an excellent student, albeit a bit of a smart arse on occasion. She exceeded in all of her classes and was a very popular person at Hogwarts. Her success in school got her promoted to a Prefect during her fifth year and for her seventh, she was recognized as the Head Girl. Due to success in school and her admiration for those students in the Order of the Phoenix, Amelia had always set her out on becoming an Auror but her parents must have been even wanting it more than she ever did. When her final year rolled around, Amelia hesitated as talk of a Wizard's Pilgrimage started circling around her class. A chance to see the world freely was a thrilling prospect that not even an Auror could boast of. Much to the disappointment of her parents, Amelia put off her ambitions to become an Auror for one last adventure with some of her friends. After all, this was bound to be the last time she would spend time with them. Credentials: Head Girl (2) Astronomy (2) Charms (2) Defence Against the Dark Arts (2) Herbology (2) Potions (2) Study of Ancient Runes (2) Muggle Studies (2) Duelling (2) Transfiguration (2) Wand: Length: 8" Willow with a Phoenix Feather core. Sturdy. [hider=Info]Patronus: [center][IMG][/IMG] "Mother" Goose Much like a mother goose, Amelia is composed and protective of herself and her friends. A geese are often displayed with prominence and beauty. While not exactly swans, they still have a sense of elegance. While normally docile in most cases, a goose will take on anything that dares to threaten its children, or in this case friends..[/center] Boggart: Amelia is most afraid of being alone in the dark. Amortentia (love potion smell): The smell of mint, a fine, expensive French perfume, and the smell of flowers Pets: Name, gender, species, appearance, brief description of personality. House-elf: [indent]Pan, the house elf[/indent] [center][img][/img] Pan is a female house elf in servitude to the Capello family for about fifteen years now. She is not mistreated or abused, but that is about as far as courtesies go for Pan. She is surprisingly tough for a house elf so she doesn't let it get to her. She just appreciates the quality food and sleeping quarters under the stairs. By far the worst the worst Capello is Amelia's brother, William, who is just a few years behind Amelia in age. Second worst is Amelia's father. Pan receives good treatment from Amelia's mother, though. [/center][/hider]