Jim hadn’t moved a muscle since he first heard the sound. It had gone quiet only momentarily before a scraping sound came from the door. Now all Jim could hear was the loud pounding of his heart after the scraping had stopped and then more silence. Jim’s eyebrow was perked up in confusion and then in worry. [i]What if Al’ came back to find one of those Brutes waiting for her?[/i] She was the only one he had left and he couldn’t bear to lose her. All of a sudden a softer sound emanated through the ever so thin spaces in the door. He listened for a few seconds and then shuffled closer to the door as quietly as he could, accidently tapping an empty can with his toe. The sound stopped but by that time Jim’s curiosity had completely taken over and up the steep stairs he went. Jim could care less if what was out there was dangerous- he knew Al’ would be fine without him. It was obvious that he was a burden to her and not a day went by that she didn’t remind him of it. Unlatching the two posts stuck to the door, Jim placed both hands flat on the splintery wood and pushed up slowly. His bushy eyebrows peaked up through the door first, and then his tired eyes following. He didn’t see anything in his immediate surroundings so he pushed the door up even higher until half of his body was completely exposed. His eyes scanned more thoroughly this time, looking down either end of the alley and around the multiple bins that were either still standing or lying on its sides. He did a double take at a black object sticking out from the side of one of the bins. The object appeared to have a little movement, causing Jim to cower slightly back into the hole. But then he remembered the soft sound. “Ello’?” He almost croaked. It had been a while since he’d spoken and his throat was already parched. “S’anyone there? I won’t hurt ya, I don’t even have a weapon. I mean, besides a spear at the bottom of ‘the cave,’ but I’d prob’ly break my neck tryin’ to get to it,” Jim rambled, placing the door fully back before showing his obvious empty hands.