Humming softly to himself Kiel place one trays atop the other, the convenient covers allowing for easy stacking. With a wave to the sisters he makes his way carefully out the back door, his plastic shopping bag swinging back and forth from his wrist. The cool evening air hits him and he welcomes the little chill that runs across his skin. [i]'I love this time of year. The day are not too hot, nor the evenings too cold, and every moment can be appreciated in a different way'[/i] He continues to hum an old hymn to himself as he makes his way towards his house. The hard stone beneath his feet makes sharp clicking sounds with each step and he smiles at the faint echo of the noise off the stone walls of the church. [i]'Some sounds are so nostalgic'[/i] Humming a little louder he pushes his way inside carefully. He calls out to Zach but receives no answer. [i]'Not panicking, not panicking. . . .'[/i] he assures himself as he sets the trays down on the table. Knocking lightly he peeks inside the small side room. Not finding his guest he moves to his own room and peeks out the back window. His face curls into a warm smile and with a chuckle he crosses his arms over his chest. [i]'He looks so relaxed. Makes me happy to think he's already so comfortable here. I've had so many nearly jumping out of their skin at the slightest sound or refusing to leave their room. . . .Perhaps I'm getting better at this, heh'[/i] Shaking his head he moves back the the door and slips outside. Moving around to the back garden he pauses at the corner of the building. Watching the boy for a few seconds he takes a step back before calling out. "Time for eats Zach! I brought chocolate!" Turning on his heel he moves back inside quickly and sets the table up so they can both sit at it.