Elena smiled slightly when Stefan answered the door."I was just doing some study and it was getting boring so I thought I'd...come over....that's if it's not too late, of course."she said softly in response, nodding when he stated that Damon would be home soon. "S-sorry, suppose I shouldn't have assumed he was home..." Elena apologized, stepping into the doorway beside Stefan. She slipped her jacket from around her shoulders and she was about to head inside when she heard Damon's voice."Oh, hey, I was just coming to visit."she stated with a small smile. Elena hadn't seen the look in his eyes. She wasn't a vampire, she couldn't see well in the dark, of course. Elena headed inside and made her way to the living room. The girl made sure to slip her shoes off at the door and once she made it over to the incredibly comfortable couches there, she flopped down and pulled her knees up to her chest, not saying anything to either of them. To be honest, she wasn't here for no reason. Elena was desperate to just get away from anything and everything. She wanted someone to just hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay, that there was no need to worry about her future like she was. Her hand reached to her right and she grabbed a cushion that had been sitting there, hugging it close to her like a childhood toy.