[quote=Hunter of Shadows] I'm sure some people have said this already, but men are sexist in general being a geek has nothing to do with it [/quote] ... [i]What?[/i] Dude, that's a pretty sexist statement right there. [b]@Nevis:[/b] You nailed it. Gold star. Well done. Thanks for pointing out that it's a grey issue, not black and white. Wish more people held that opinion. [quote=Dervish] I always found it somewhat amusing that the sexist nerds who rally against women participating in their "thing" are usually the ones drooling over giant breasted cartoons in chainmail bikinis. To clarify, they're driving off real women while idolizing fake ones. It's as bad as the one kid in my boot camp who claimed to prefer hentai to a real girlfriend. It's pretty sad.And then they complain when they can't get girlfriends. Fucking awesome. [/quote] I always found it equally amusing when a woman demands to be considered attractive for what she is--fat, or otherwise--then usually turns [i]right[/i] around and applies an unrealistic set of standards upon men to qualify for dating. Then wonders why they're forever alone with three cats. To clarify: Sexual standards does not always equate to sexism. A guy may find big breasted women in chainmail bikinis attractive and not be a sexist in the same manner that a woman may not want to date a guy who is short or obese. Or a bigot. This is just how humans work. If anything I'd say it's not so much a hatred of women in your example as it is a case of Peter Pan syndrome--not being able to grow up past their fantasies and escapisms and attacking anything that might threaten that, female, authority figure, or otherwise. They also tend to be the same kind of rabid fans you might find obsessing over sports, or fashion, or god knows what other thing we can obsess over in groups. You always have zealous extremists who attack anything that might threaten the image. That's more of a problem with extremism than it is specifically sexism, sexism in this case is just the byproduct of a flawed design. [quote=Darog the Badger God] There's something gloriously sad about that mindset.And I'm dying of laughter because of it. [/quote] It's hard not to look at a train going off the rails, isn't it? [quote=Blondie] You're right, but I think I'm right too. [/quote] Well then all good. :sun [quote=Turtlicious] I... said that.Like that's what I said, do you think everyone came into this without an opinion? Do you think ShonHarris wrote that whole beast of a post and it summed up to, "But I don't know, maybe you guys are right." Everyone in this sub-forum is spinning their wheels even though neither can convince the other side of anything, they just want to stroke their dicks and see how much BS they can throw into the ether lol. [/quote] I know you did. Just confirming that you said that. Of course not. Where did I say that? Everyone has an opinion. Shon Harris wrote that whole beast of a post because that's how he views the issue, and he's passionate about it. That, and he likes to write long paragraphs, to go into great detail about his beliefs. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that, really. I love how you seem to hate this section, yet posted in here multiple times and in other OT threads just to stir shit. Please stop. [quote=Turtlicious] Well that and trying to get each other banned lol. To roughly quote myself, "Bullshit." [/quote] I haven't seen anyone here try to get each other banned. We have disagreements and occasionally someone throws a tantrum--that happens in discussion areas, especially when shit that people get passionate about gets brought up, but the shit disturbers don't tend to last long here. They just get chewed up and then they throw themselves out in a tizzy. It's rather amusing actually. Then again, to nobody's surprise, you're massively over-generalizing, trolling, and bullying someone. Why? Because you have nothing better to do, I suppose, then try to irritate everyone here for... Reasons. I still don't understand how you got unbanned. [quote=Turtlicious]This is painfully untrue on multiple levels. I've never seen someone "change their mind" or "change their position" in OT, I've only seen them move the goal posts, concede, or just write paragraph upon paragraph changing the issue as much as possible so that they won't be seen as wrong.[/quote] I've seen people change their opinions here. Usually it's from thread to thread that you notice the difference of opinion: The next time the same topic comes up, some people have changed, some haven't. I digress though, usually threads pop up in OT to be talked about and discussed. Whether or not someone changes their mind afterwards is irrelevant. [quote=Turtlicious]Also, the posters probably came back under new names. If I had to guess, you're not fond of spam because no-one "has" to engage you on the same level, and higher effort tends to be mocked.[/quote] Mocking intellectualism and praising meme-based stupidity and reposts. Yes. This is definitely a positive element of the spam community. One so positive that even Jorick hardly goes there anymore. :rolleyes [quote=Turtlicious]If ShonHarris put his post in spam, everyone would tell him the truth.[/quote] No, they'd mock him and belittle him because he wrote something that couldn't be understood in five seconds. Just as you are doing now. Also, why are you even bothering to compare spam to OT? They service different functions and different communities. An OT post in spam would be too long. A spam post in OT would be too short and immature. I'm sure you had a point somewhere, it was just lost in that whole spammy, belittling, elitist attitude of yours. :) [quote=Turtlicious]It was way too long for people to really read. His writing isn't so engaging he can expect me to read an article every time he posts. (I'm singling out Shon but many other posters do this as well.)[/quote] You? Single someone out? [i]No[/i]. Never. Seriously if you dislike OT so much and hold such low opinions of them, just go back to spam. It's not like anyone is actually asking you to be here and you obviously don't like it here. x)