The funny thing about a nightmare was that the more you want things to go away, the more they stay. And Frey really wanted to be left alone. It was terrifying to go to sleep every night, but at least in the castle his life wasn't in danger. Now, however, he could very easily die. Though he wasn't thinking about the real world, he did register and understand he was in grave danger. As the prince stumbled about in the shadows, a tendril wrapped around his stomach. It had think plant hairs that pickled his bare skin. It tightened around him, and the prince screeched in pain. Slowly, it began to lift him off the ground as Frey friend and pounded and even cursed at the monster. It seemed to all be in vain. Frey screamed one final time before the monster put him in its mouth and sharp teeth pierced him like arrows. He coughed up blood as he began to wake. Frey's eyes fluttered open, and he covered his mouth with both hands before bolting up and running out of the tent. He spit out much blood. This wasn't a good sign; he could have died! Though he knew he had held on to Asbel. Frey didn't have the time nor energy to speak with someone who hated him right now. The prince felt like he almost had died. If it wasn't for the bright light that woke him up, he wouldn't be breathing anymore. Sucking in a deep breath of wet, rainy night air, Frey was suddenly filled with a sense of dread. Was that a tendril he saw in his own tent?!?!?!?!?! Clamping both hands around his ears, the youngest prince began hyperventilating. Blood continued to leak out of his mouth as Frey began to shout and scream in the dead of night. [I]I'm in danger. [/I] He ran away, fleeing into the dark forest. It was easier to just run away. Even if he died' he isn't want to be eaten by monsters. The tired and fatigued prince ran like he was missing a leg, stumbling and dropping constantly. His robes were tattered, though his skin continued to be flawless. After a few minutes, the young man let out another cry as he tried to step in the air- there was a hill! He tumbled down it, mostly rolling before landing in a splash in icy water. He couldn't see anything. "There's blood everywhere!?!!!"