Cs: Name: Phoenixia Gender: Female Age: 10,000 Species: Phoenix Appearance: [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/16kvzv8.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Phoenixia cares only for her army and herself, nothing more. She wants to crush the Dragon King and kill him. She despises him, she hates nothing more than the Dragon King. She wants him to suffer as much as possible. She will do anything to end him. She will protect her army no matter what, she cares for her fellow Phoenix's as if they were her own children. Bio: Phoenixia has been at war for centuries. Draco had beaten Phoenixia and sealed her inside a [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs9/PRE/i/2006/011/e/6/Phoenix_Dragon_Pot__Light_Side_by_PhoenixWave34.jpg]phoenix pot[/url] after she had lost the war against Draco, although, before she was sealed, she swore revenge and swore, she would escape her prison to kill and destroy everything that Draco is. Power 1: Phoenix mimicry Power 2: Storm Control. Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Her Kingdom. Other: