[quote=Tatsua Aiisen] The main problem I have with these "OC" characters is that they don't follow the standard formula for becoming a Servant in the universe. Basically, Servants must have been some variety of legendary hero in their past life, who transcended death by having their spirit summoned by the Holy Grail. [/quote] On this given information. I'm going to update my CS. Picture change needs to be done as well. I want something more Norse now, since he has Thor's hammer. After or in between work I will perform this duty. Also updating his bio accordingly. Since I now see the big issue in his bio and being new/unkown. ^-^ (I thank ChunkyCaptain for that too.) I know others may see this as nit picky or 'backseat gm'ing' But I thank you for the information given to me, that will further help me improve the CS to be more accepted or apart of this universe/lore.