Mmm. If there's a way I could still toss gambling (and chance) into jinxing it to make it much more greed (or even money)-oriented, I'll totally shoot for that. I'm mostly just worried about giving him something that could be OP or otherwise cumbersome, but I'm down for changing anything about the character to get him to fit the role. The PMing thing you mentioned earlier, I wouldn't mind doing that if you don't though! I'm sure we can get something to work. Otherwise, I think there's some online dice rolling site or app I could use (if you trust me XD), if you prefer I go back to the original power to help monitor the result. Or if it seems to be too many good/bad rolls in a roll, I can mention it here and round to 3/4 accordingly? Haha. And I'll figure out something for the number of rolls per round too... I think I could get something concrete down in a couple of days. I mostly just wanted to chuck up my CS before someone else went after Greed lol. I just hope this little setback doesn't scare you off from taking me in, hahaha. ^^;