Cameron looked at her as her warm hands settled on his chest, his face conveyed something similar to a blank expression. He wasn't used to sharing emotions and he wasn't quite sure he was doing it right. It didn't feel right anyway, he frowned, looking down between them. "Uh Yeah, this is just weird ya know?" He asked, looking at her with a crooked smile, "I mean, talking about it, it's weird for me," He said, giving her a flash of a pained expression. He stepped closer to her, wrapping his arms around her, clasping his hands together and leaning his hip on the counter. "But this is nice," He said with a grin. He let his eyes wander for another moment, "How are you going to make sure I play?" He asked, looking at her again. Perhaps she had some hidden talent of persuasion that he didn't know about. It wouldn't surprise him, she could be quite charming when she needed to be. It was probably the accent, he mused. He thought about it, yes, definitely the accent. It made people admire her more. Perhaps admire wasn't the correct word. Awestruck might have been a better one. Cameron was certainly fascinated by her when he first met her. Although, truthfully he'd never thought that she would have felt this way. Of course he wasn't exactly the best in the romance department. She had probably been extremely obvious and he never would have known.