[quote=William Draconius] True enough, Hale....it's called the media, it happens every day. But then, you go further up the ladder, who controls the media? Gotta love all that dirty laundry. It was simpler in the old days, a good punch with a dagger, and someone didn't get up again, ever. [/quote] Simple, indeed. Now it's all .300 Whisper rounds and surgical missile strikes via predator drones and polonium, dimethylmercury and VX nerve gas. I miss the old days. [quote=kittenpompom123] I'd probably have it to be mainly assassinations that keeps everything running, but there's bound to be some other stuff along the way. The corporate assassins idea sounds great, but I'm not sure how it could be implemented? How about the 'king' that takes power vows to get rid of the assassins once and for all, and hires some assassins to be his bounty hunters, who search out the other assassins and turn them in? [/quote] Assassins mopping up other assassins, sounds like a winner to me.