Cs: Name: Slade Gender: Male Age: 14 Species: Human Appearance: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/29f74ly.jpg[/IMG] Personality: He has little respect and confidence for himself. He has never really let anyone see his face, as he believes he cannot trust anyone, and so avoids them like the plague. Although, Slade is a kind person, he hates the fact that he is weak, and cannot control his power. Bio: Slade was brought up a thief, he knew nothing more than to steel. It was all he ever did. He never got caught, living off others, and taking only what he needed to survive. It wasn't a easy life, but it was his only life. When he was young, he was always being used, so much so, that it eventually resulted in his parents death. He now resents the thought of being used, and he no longer believes that he can trust anyone. He has only ever wished to become stronger, but he has never got that chance before, until one day that is, where a group of assassin's found him. They offered him a home and a easy life as well as to help him become strong, he had no other choice but to go with them. So they trained him to be an assassin. Power 1: Darkness Control. Power 2: Sound Manipulation. Markings: None. Family: Dead. Friends: None. Sentimental Attachment: His cloak. Other: