At hearing the Innkeeper accept the bargain, Dale pulled his sac, whilst carrying his shoes over to the counter, dropping his shoes on the floor, he dug out three of his best eggs from the sac and handed them over to the innkeeper, taking the keys in exchange. "Thank you very much, sir." He then turned to a man with green eyes addressing some people gathered around him-what he got out of the conversation was that-the man thought that the keep was an interesting mystery and he was inviting people to travel with him towards it tomorrow. He pondered about joining the guy for a moment and then decided that the man would be a friend, thus taking him up on his proposition. Dale walked up to the stranger as he was getting his room keys, "Hey I'm Dale and I'm heading to Valuun as well and I'd be glad to join you on your journey there." Without waiting for the man's answer Dale hurriedly took up his possessions, and made his way straight to the baths. A good half hour later and after a good deal of scrubbing, him and his clothes were clean. Then found his room, unlocked it, changed into his sleeping clothes, dropped onto his bed and fell a sleep, quickly, while pondering about all the interesting things that had happened this night. A good ten hours later, he was on the verge of waking up when he heard, "Move, Move, Move!" [i]C'mon, is there really any rush for us to leave our rooms in the morning?[/i] He thought exasperatedly to himself. His answer came swiftly, in the form of smoke flooding his nostrils as soon as he opened his room's door. His eyes wiedned as he turned to the left and saw flame spreading like a forest fire and knew there was only two options, vacate or perish. He gathered his stuff and scrambled down the stairs and outside the Inn, looking at how sad the place looked as its roof burned to ash. He then saw an elderly man, who looked like he knew of magic next to a young woman and the bartender, and wondered idly if he knew about how the fire started. He decided to keep silent, as he knew emotion would run rampant and the last thing he wanted was for somebody to lose it on him for asking the wrong questions at the wrong time.