Slade Slade was currently in the small village on the clock tower, he was watching everyone go about their daily business. He had heard that a very special item was hidden in this village, he jumped down silently, and shrouded himself in the darkness as he went to search for the object, although he was having no luck at all. He soon came up to a large building, and slowly went inside, being careful of any traps that would be laying about. He was an expert thief, he could spot traps easily with his power. He sunk into the shadow of the door and resurfaced on the other side. That is where he saw what he was looking for in the main room of the house. He slowly crept up to the phoenix pot and gently picked it up, replacing it with a replica and then crept out of the house silently, hoping he didn't trip anything. Archer Archer was hearing loud roars constantly, whatever the beast was, it was big, he had never heard such a roar before. He followed the sounds of the roars to a cave and then went inside, he didn't see the dragons go in at all. He readied his bow, not sure what he would encounter while he was in the cave, although, when he reached the end of the cave, it seemed it was blocked by something. He slowly walked up to the tail and bent down, something was blocking the entrance, but, this was impossible. Nothing he knew had a tail this large. He stood up and stepped back from the beast, not sure what he should do.