Eeiys had taken quite a liking to the warrior who had approached he and Dssialii, he didn’t seem to be afraid to approach the pair, nor ask questions which a lesser man may have been dubious to put forth. He didn’t seem too much younger than Eeiys; who was sure that the years of a potentially hard life, paralleled with one on the field of battle had not done the man’s age wonders. he also had a slightly unusual friendship with his horse, Rupert, which Eeiys found a little odd, but he was not one to judge a man’s preference of companions. After all, he had just been teleported across the continent with a glass-blowing widower Goblin. He ran through all these thoughts in his mind, while keeping in his head that a rather large Orc who trudged somewhat behind the trio was intending on picking a fight with any of them, or all of them. He wasn’t yet sure how mad the creature was. He did, however, know that he was here specifically to fight either Eeiys, Dssialii or Oscar; no creature, not even a cumbersome Orc rides into the Plains of Origin looking for a random fight. No, the Orc was here with a clear purpose, but it was yet unknown to the Knight. He shook his head gently, breaking himself from his overthinking and looking up at Oscar who was asking several questions at once. Eeiys remained silent while he finished his queries. “Something strange did happen to us.” Eeiys started. “Some sort of… mage appeared and moved us, against our will, to here. We have no idea why, and I have never even seen a creature of such power. Were you forced here too?” The Knight shifted his head slightly to get a sneaky glimpse of the Orc trailing them. “Oh, and… no. He is not with us. Feel free to make an example of the beast. You killed many Or-“ Eeiys was interrupted by Oscar’s rebellious horse trotting directly in front of him, blocking his path and nearly knocking him down unexpectedly, before it’s rider was able to correct it’s course to prevent an awkward collision. Though the horse’s eyes suggested an apology, Eeiys decided to keep an eye on the creature for the time being. It had it in for him, he could just tell. It was before long that they small group came to a crest in the unnaturally uniform hills, which, as they traversed it, their goal slowly rose into sight not far in the distance. Eeiys had seen the place three times before, no more, no less. Each time was on a Pale Crusade with the Winter Knights; it was considered a true place of corporeal divinity. The thought that that was their destination made Eeiys feel sick to the core, but he withheld his opinions for the moment. “The point of Origin.” Great monoliths of rock jutted from the ground, making a patchwork structure of pillared stones, each one diffusing the light in different ways to make them look as if they glistened in the evening sun, even though the stones were dull and rough to the touch. If you were to catch the Point of Origin and a specific angle at a specific time, then stories say that you were able to communicate with the gods through The Point, directly. An old wives tale, surely; for if such was possible, Eeiys would have flipped Farriga and Trayig and Naduir the finger by now. The thought did, however, amuse him, distracting him from the fact that were going down [i]there[/i]. It was easy to make out several figures already there: what looked to be a topless dwarf rummaging through the pack of a… was that an [i]Alunei[/i]? Was he mugging her? Eeiys wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about that, he’d only seen an Alunei once on his travels, and she saved him from near certain death at the hands of a Xoatl-Toxin blade, earning the healer-race his grudging respect, even if they did revere the Gods more than he had hoped, though they often value good will over divine teachings. In his experience, at least. And then, at the centre of the Point of Origin, was another figure: tall, extremely dark skinned. Was it a Farrgorm? If that wasn’t the source of the magical call, he wasn’t sure what was. If that creature was what pulled he and Dssialii to this place against their will, he wasn’t going to risk getting toyed with a second time. Eeiys was aware, however, it may not have been down to this Farrgorm. He looked to Dssialii, Oscar, and then back to the Farrgorm at The Point, almost urging them forward. He drew his sword cautiously, and broke out into a small jog towards the source of the call, calling out: “What is going on here?”