“I fear you are mistaken, my Lady. I am no Prince; I am merely a Duke," Yes! Breakfast was still on the table, well actually, it was still being prepared by the Barkeep but there was still a chance she could get it for free. The frail stick figure hadn't stolen enough of his attention despite her obvious requirement of the fore mentioned resource from him. She was going to try it on more later, they always do. Her type is just as bad as his. The fact he didn't step fleet footedly into the arms of the six foot flirt was interesting, to his merit, he'd stuck to his original plan of bedding Bumble which was both genuinely flattering and somewhat suspicious. He could have a thing for Hobgoblins, which would explain why he was so willing to throw himself at her or he knows he wouldn't have a chance with the Sparkling creature and by focusing on what he thought was achievable he could woo the naive little hobgoblin with his unwavering love for her. There are dreamers and there are realists. What he gained in conviction, he lost in cliché. Bumble almost had chat up bingo already, all she needed was the dream life speech and the invitation to live on the home estate and she'd have won. The "rough, tough but lovable rogue" slid into the seat next to her, totally giving it all that, which gave him easily +3 to actually kind of creepy. “At least I will be, on my hundreth birthday. But that is not for another human lifetime. Right now, I am with the Earroldian army,” Clever, clever. Covering the fact you're actually poorer than me before I found out for myself, oh but you will be rich when I'm dead? Oh good for you! Maybe Bumble didn't give this guy enough credit, he's trying to get the best of both worlds, the nobleman & the everyguy routine simultaneously. It looked like Bumble wasn't going to get her bingo so soon. Then the situation ticked over in her mind. [i]Why would he give me reasons to be disinterested? We both know what's going on.[/i] The more she thought about it, the hard it was to discern whether he was being honest or not, which raised even more questions. Regardless of how real his spun yarn was he still wanted Bumble's body for less than savoury activities and Bumble still wanted a free breakfast. Just some soft home made bread, a cheese selection and some continental meats, oh with some Ghendal oil and garlic butter. Maybe some ground peppercorns and lush forest berries to go with the wild boar and finely sliced mutton. [i]Oh! He wants me to play hard to get![/i] Pretending he wasn't Bumbles type would be easy, because he wasn't, but she had just invited him over under the pretence he was noble born and handsomely wealthy, which meant she couldn't be no longer interested in him personality-wise, that just might jeopardise breakfast. She'd have to make herself out the snob/golddigger, which would be hard given that she was clearly not rich nor high born herself. It was going to be tough, the situation demanded it, if it went wrong then maybe he'll stop acting so retarded and they could be friends or- The smooth criminal was making as much sexual eye contact as he possibly could, his lust-filled eyes looking nowhere but Bumble's own. This was not odd, however the groping hand extended on the table, fingers stretching their full length to find the stem of his goblet was. His refusal to break eye contact to ensure the safe voyage of the drink to his lips was both admirable and hilarious. The stress of trying to maintain oxytocin production in Bumble while trying to track down the glass was too much for him, it was beginning to show and Bumble could barely hold it in. She pulled the best sexy face she could manage to hide many thoughts and attempt to feign disinterest due to the lack of financial gain Bumble could acquire by becoming his mistress but wiggling fingers on the table was much too funny, almost unbearably so. Fighting the compulsion to laugh as hard as she could, Bumble jested, "Oh well, its not hard to imagine why a soldier might be here, I take it was a heavy ni-?" The hilarity reached its ultimate conclusion, in a beautiful climax of conflicting forces, both mental and physical. He slipped. He cursed. He caught the goblet but at only at the sacrifice of his own integrity. "Rhachon le! Did you see that?" Bumble did see, she could all so the mischievous grin on the pretty girl who entered after herself, she was enjoying it almost as much as Bumble was. She was in stitches. It was hard to keep composure after that display of elven dexterity and agility. She had judged the minx to harshly, while she was still obviously seeking attention it was certainly not the attention the soldier was giving and was clearly up for some more morning appropriate conversation and activities. A free breakfast was almost certainly off the table now, it was still being prepared, it was going to be tough to look sexy after this. "No?" She said innocently, knowing full well it was obvious she did.