I'm an idiot, and managed to forget to post my old accepted CS for an entire week... That just makes me feel foolish. [b]Name:[/b] Dr. Rigger 'Riggs' Mortez [b]Class:[/b] Medic [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/178/9/9/ci_medic___assault_concept_by_skaule-d6aw56a.jpg] The one farthest to the right. [b]Action Skill:[/b] 'Your Own Medicine' Digistructs a small shield. This shield absorbs damage, and lasts for thirty seconds. Before the shield despawns it releases all of the damage it has collected in one powerful burst. [b]Weapon:[/b] [img=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121102003841/borderlands/images/thumb/e/ee/Bl2AssaultRifleParts1080p.png/600px-Bl2AssaultRifleParts1080p.png] Assault rifle with a Vladof 2 barrel, Vladof Body 1, Bandit Grip, no sight, and a bandit stock. [b]Grenade:[/b] Transfusion. [b]Shield:[/b] Adaptive [b]Echo Log:[/b] 'Mans voice': "Test 3139. My new 'Health Now!' improvement didn't work. The patients all suffered a serious corrosion of the internal organs. Some may consider this a failure, but I'll be damned if it wasn't fun as hell to watch. Ahhhh, science is fun. Now, let's begin the next test. *screams*" [b]Level ups:[/b] 50 CC's of Badassery: Melee also does massive shock damage Do No Harm: Instead of dealing extra damage, headshots restore health. A Ship of Friends: Enemies killed by 'Your Own Medicine" drop orbs that heal teammates. Bedside Manner: Heal while you have full shields. Placebo: 'Your Own Medicine' makes you constantly exude blasts of Slag as long as it is active, as well as making the final blast slag enemies.