Heaving with heavy breaths, Jared had fought his way into the merchant district. Just a bit further and he would have made it to the space ports, where the WDS control center was located. When he got there, he looked around frantically, seeing some people trying to fight and others who were barricading themselves indoors. He swung his harpoon wildly, trying desperately to keep the critters at bay, lest he be added to the list of victims. When one of them managed to lung at him, he flinched defensively, only for the Shadow to be impaled by a spear that wasn't his own. He opened his eyes and, with a relief, gazed in amazement at the old man who had rescued him, "Dion!" cried Thatch, recognizing the man as his adopted guardian, "How is this happening?" "The WDS..." grunted Dion in a gruff voice as he knocked away Heartless after Heartless with his weapon. Obviously, he was a stronger fighter than Jared, "...the explosion knocked out the system." When there were finally no more Heartless attacking them at the moment, both stopped to finish the brief conversation, "I'm going to the control center to help them get it back up. I need you to stay in the districts and help get people to safety." "But-" Jared started to protest, but the older man had already run off to where the WDS was located. And it was pretty bad timing too, as a larger pool of Darkness started festering at Jared's feet. He jumped back, watching in terror as several giant pieces of armor floated up from the Darkness and then came together to form a [url=http://www.khwiki.net/images/thumb/e/e4/Guard_Armor_KH.png/312px-Guard_Armor_KH.png]large, armored Heartless[/url]. The creatures body was made of six individual pieces that seemed capable of moving independently: a head, torso, arms, and feet. The Heartless spun it's sharp-fingered arms as it prepared to strike. A Heartless of this size was impossible to miss, as anyone within the district and neighboring district would no-doubt either see it or hear it stomping about. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kOk9qQuzEs]Cue Boss Music[/url]