[b] [center] Welcome to: Teach Me BB Sensei! [/center] [/b] Well then, since people seem to be having a debate over this, I think I'll take a chance to end this once and for all. Normally I wouldn't go this far, but I think just this once will be acceptable, for Tatsua's sake. Now, I'm going to explain why having custom OC servants is not only impossible, I'm also going to explain why it makes your original servants far weaker then even the most pathetic and obscure normal Heroic Spirit. Its been awhile since I've actually had to use quotes, but since I'm doing this, I'm going to do this right. A forewarning; this is not me questioning the admin of this roleplay. By all means, I respect Squalls authority and peoples have a right to have whatever kind of fun they want. Honestly, I don't really care which way this debate turns, nor do I honestly mind what decision is made. I am merely a wanderer who has found entertainment in what the outcome of this Holy Grail War could be. -That being said, I will say that what I'm about to say is all fully canon. To choose to ignore it is essentially wholly ignoring the universe, its canon, and its mechanics that say that this isn't possible, not only that, if it was the OC servant would be horrible. Still, this is your RP. Do as you please, and I do say this sincerely. It's your roleplay. You decide what's best for it and your roleplayers. Now then! I've drabbled on long enough, so I'll deliver my truths now. I'll pick every single argument apart and grind them all down until they're naught but dust. Sound kewl? Then lets begin. [quote=Tatsua Aiisen] An entirely OC servant with no historical connection? Nooooope [/quote] [quote=Squall0175] You do know not all servants in Fate/stay night had historical connections right? [/quote] [quote=Tatsua Aiisen] All of them did, I don't know if you watched the show. Or read the visual novel. [/quote] [quote=Squall0175] Explain to me about Archer then who was the main character from a alternate timeline last time I checked he wasn't of any historical resemblance or anything but in the world of fiction [/quote] [quote=Drakeonis] While I see where you're coming from Tatsua , Squall does have a point. Anomaly or not, EMIYA was technically a heroic spirit. who had no historical connections, and then there was Stay/Night's Assassin who was fictional character. [/quote] Alrighty folks! Here's the argument laid out nice and neat. I'll add a little spice to this one for the folks at home' even if this one is exceedingly easy. So then, lets start with "why OC servants make you weak". Well then we can already establish that inserting someone into history or legend who never existed there before won't work, because then you're just randomly making things up. So on a basis, that's already wrong, and I don't need to post quotes for that but hey, I will anyway. [i] Heroic Spirits [Concept] The Heroes who achieved great deeds and were worshiped after death became Heroic Spirits. [/i] So you basically have to be a Hero who "achieved great deeds and were worshiped". Basically, famous people in the past; Hercules, Medusa, Medea, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, the list goes on. To actually make a "Heroic Spirit" you would have to make up a legend or historical person from scratch, and say they were a famous and known hero that I can enter into wikipedia right now and see if it was in the FSN universe. That takes anyone from the past completely off the table. Now, on to the future. You may ask "But BB sensei! Can't I just have a laser sword wielding space monk from the future as my Hero? Or perhaps a dual wielding SMG power armored clad FPS protagonist?" You'd be wrong, and this is why; [i] Q: If there are Heroic Spirits like Archer, who was summoned independent of time axis, is it possible for warriors from the future, who are loaded with modern weapons, to be summoned as Servants? A: Although modern weapons are powerful, it is difficult for the users of modern weapons to be classified as Heroic Spirits. The advantage of modern weapons is "anyone can use them as long as they were trained", thus it is difficult for the user to become a Heroic Spirit, whose definition is "the one and only". The users of modern weapons are faceless heroes. If there are indeed heroes who are loaded with modern weapons, the users will not become Heroic Spirits, as they are merely "experts anyone can achieve through sufficient training". The actual Heroic Spirits being worshiped will be the "greatest weapon of that era". However, for the weapon to become a Heroic Spirit in this case, it must harbour a soul. [/i] Further, even if you could create such a Hero, you could not properly use them; [i] Servant Summoning First, the Master performs a ritual to interfere with the Greater Grail, then the Greater Grail borrows the information of the main body of the Greater Grail in the Throne of Heroes. The information (soul of highest purity of the Heroic Spirit) is blown into the container that is the Class, and the created copy of the Heroic Spirit is the Servant. The Servant is an unstable existence that should not be in the world so its coordinates in the world have to be anchored, using the Master as the host. The Mater also has the role of supplying magic energy to the Servant. When performing the ritual, the Master can designate the Heroic Spirit to be summoned by preparing a catalyst with ties to the Servant of his desire. [/i] [i] Even with an unskilled summoning circle and without chanting the spell, if a human has a catalyst, the requirements for the Grail can be met..." [/i] As you can see you need a catalyst, and you won't have a catalyst if your servant is from the future. However, even if you do make a hero from the future, even if you do somehow magically summon them, there's the fact they're exceedingly weaker then even the weakest legitimate heroic spirit as; [i] Since Emiya is a Heroic Spirit from the future, he does not have any blessings provided by fame. In addition, he does not have Noble Phantasms [/i] In other words, their fighting ability is low, and you get no Noble Phantasms to use. In other words, you're pathetically weak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [quote=Dazed] I edited my cs. Made him the Hero Beowulf.^-^ [/quote] You make me proud. [quote=Grey] Alrighty, thanks for your time. But if anyone disappears or summin', you know who to call. [/quote] I can give up my slot as Berserkers master to you, however if I do I would like to use one of the alternate classes that the side story introduced, or a non master magus.