"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Talus said to the small group he was in. The Volus seemed decent, though the idea of a Volus in combat kinda made him wonder about some things though, but the weirdest thing was the well-mannered Krogan. Talus had to do a double-take on him, [i] A polite Krogan? Never thought those two words would be in the same sentence. [/i] "Well, your grace," Talus began with a hint of sarcasm, "It seems we will be the front-runners when it comes to the action-y bits. We should all sit down later and get to know one-another. I don't know about you guys, but in combat I would rather know who the guy standing next to me is, than a complete stranger." After finishing that sentence, he noticed an Asari almost stop to chat, but instead headed towards the Command Center, [i] Hmm, straight to work? Workaholic, Anti-social? She doesn't seem like fun [/i] Then the helmsman stepped forward for a word, [i] Ooh, fiesty. I really shouldn't mess with her, but who the hell cares? [i] Talus decided to take a bold move and stepped right on her bridge. He waited for her to finish the request to take off before speaking, "Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine? Tell you what, as long as don't make me hurl, I won't comment on your flying, deal?"