[center][b]Still Accepting![/b][/center] Yes you guessed it; this is an rp about vampires, werewolves and witches. How did you know? Haha don’t worry this is the actual title: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6423/posts/ic]Dusk: The Return of Caligo Nox[/url] Basically your character is only allowed to be a vampire, werewolf or witch (and possibly human if I receive a good enough reason. Maybe even some other species but ask me first). But I am allowing great variety within these ‘species’ in the form of ‘subspecies.’ So you can make up your very own species with a Werewolf, Vampire or Witch as a foundation. [hider=Explanation and examples]An example in being a Werewolf is that you could be a subspecies of a Shifter Werewolf meaning that you can willingly transform from human in appearance to an actual wolf OR a subspecies of a Furry Werewolf meaning that you are always in the form of a half human / half wolf person OR a subspecies of a Weretiger, Werecougar, Werewhateveryoulike. In the case of being a Vampire you could be a subspecies of a True Vampire meaning that your true form is actually a big battish creature opposed to direct sunlight, is immortal and is the only type of vampire that can make a human into a vampire. OR a subspecies of a Classical Vampire meaning human form, blood drinker, ability to ‘glamour,’ enhanced strength speed blah blah blah… In the case of being a witch (yes, you can be a male AKA a wizard) you could be a subspecies of an Enchantress meaning they practice a type of magic that produces no physical effects on objects or people, but rather deceives the observer or target by creating and using illusions. OR a subspecies of a Hedge Witch meaning you have an ability over plants, creating powerful potions and possibly even being able to communicate with plants. I am also allowing Hybrid’s, meaning a half werewolf and half vampire. In regards to being human, I will definitely allow you to be a ‘Changed’ meaning that you have been turned into a werewolf or vampire, but in this case if you are a Changed Werewolf your transformation is unwilling and dictated by the phases of the moon; and if you are a vampire you cannot control your thirst or at least find it a great struggle and can be controlled by your creator. But you cannot be a human witch/wizard because the ‘power’ to be one is in hereditary blood only and you cannot be turned into a witch/wizard.[/hider] Plot Overview: Centred on a place called [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/343/a/a/The_fantasy_world_by_nagatuki.jpg]Dusk[/url] where the night meets the last light of day It begins at my characters [url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/161/1/0/nelianne__s_tower_by_ionixis-d52zpqt.png]house[/url] which is on the outskirts of the forest. A forest where majority of vampires, werewolves and witches live in small separate communities or dwellings. My character (A Rune Witch) is relatively newly responsible for maintaining the barrier that surrounds the forest and keeps humans out. I was thinking that something is trying to bring the barrier down, causing tremors in it and your characters go to her house to see if something is wrong, ask if she needs help, call her an incompetent newbie or some such thing. Many, many, many hundreds or thousands of years ago a creature was made into a monstrous hybrid of a Vampire, Werewolf and Sorcerer and spent a fair amount of time creating wanton destruction in response to its creation thus being sealed beyond the barrier by my characters great, great, great, great grandfather and a mixed group of vampires, werewolves and witches/wizards. It has somehow freed itself from its seal and intends to get revenge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This rp is set in Casual. Please fill this out for me and send it in a PM and I will let you know if you need to make any changes before I officially accept it and add you to the Cast list. [b]Appearance Image: Name: Nickname (optional): Actual Age and an optional Appears Age: Personality: Species (out of Vampire, Werewolf, Witch or Human only): Subspecies (or swap this to be an optional Hybrid or Changed Human): Specific Attributes: Background: Extra (optional):[/b] [hider=This is mine][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/324/6/8/witch_by_spleen_y-d337cuz.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Chrystella Loitsu [b]Nickname:[/b] Ella [b]Appears:[/b] 18 [b]Actual Age:[/b] 28 [b]Personality:[/b] Chrystella tends to be quite introspective and introverted which makes people see her as aloof and sometimes even melancholy. However she is rather shy and revels in her isolation but sometimes the loneliness becomes unbearable and she will yearn for company and when people come to see her during this phase she bestows them superb hospitality. . [b]Species:[/b] Witch [b]Subspecies:[/b] Rune Witch [b]Specific Attributes:[/b] Unlike normal witches who recite spells from books and make potions in cauldron, Rune witches write runes into thin air or onto a surface using a crystal wand to cast magic. Runes can be used in combinations beginning with ‘Base runes’ which are the elements = Fire, air, water, metal, earth, nature, lightening, ice etc. and must include ‘Command runes’ = attack, target, protect, explode, trap, etc. More intricate combinations include ‘Mystic Runes’ = space, time, gravity, etc. While she could be mistaken as a human on first glance, upon closer inspection she most definitely is not. Her iris’ are as black as her pupils, but changes colour depending on which Base Rune she begins casting a spell with. (Fire-red. Water-blue. Earth-brown. Nature-green. Lightning-yellow. Ice-pastleblue. Metal-silver). Physically, she is slender and a petit 5ft2. Her hair is white and a single strand is like the surface of a crystal but as soft as silk. . [b]Background:[/b] Chrystella was born into a long line of pure blooded Rune Witches but is now the last of her pure line. Her great grandmother who was the recent protector of the barrier which surrounds the forest, had drawn onto herself the Rune of Time back when she took over from the protector before her and agelessly watched over the barrier for the span of nearly four average human lifetimes, but the rune was wearing out. When Chrystella was five years old she was chosen to be the next barriers protector and was taken under the wing of her great grandmother to learn the ways. On her 18th birthday, Chrystella’s great grandmother’s Time Rune finally wore out and she was free to live out a normal lifetime. However, before she left the job of protector solely to her great granddaughter, thoughts of a future impure line of Rune Witches plagued her thoughts and so that night she went into Chrystella’s room and carved the Rune of Time right into the flesh above her heart and sealed it in place so that it could not be removed nor wear out. The physical pain was severe but not as bad as the pain of knowing that she now was condemned to live forever and watch the people she loves pass her by. On one particularly bad day when she was at her lowest, she tried to scrape away the Rune with a knife but the spot healed by the next day and the Rune remained. It has been ten years since then. She has given up hope of removing the Rune and she still has the appearance of an 18 year old and will forever more. . [b]Extra:[/b] Chrystella has a small satchel with the rune of ‘space’ sewn into the material. (It’s like the Mary Poppins bag where lots of big and small objects can magically fit into it). Chrystella’s [url= http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/207/9/f/broom_by_natfoe-d41pxr3.jpg]Broom[/url] , with the combination of runes ‘air and gravity’ carved onto its wooden surface give it the ability of flight. Her handmade [url=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/139/3/7/scepter_of_the_unicorn_by_natfoe-d65t515.png]Crystal wand[/url] Instead of the traditional ‘pointy witches hat,’ Chrystella wears a dark navy blue oversized beret. Instead of the traditional black witches dress she wears a hoodless dark navy blue cape with a high collar over her everyday clothes.[/hider] [b]Reservations:[/b] (PM me your CS for a spot) +Caits, reserving a werewolf. +Daxam, reserving a werewolf. +Demous, reserving a vampire +Mortim, reserving a vmpire +DrPhase...