"My thanks!" Razz managed to shout back to the armoured one as the two smaller humans dragged his corpse away. After he was finally dumped in the back of a handcart, he decided it would be best to instruct his new human friends on where the hell they were actually going. On the other hand, he was quite tired... maybe... they could find their own way there, surely? He'd definitely said which bar it was before.... had he? They'll be fine, [i]as long as I get some... rest... they could get... they could....[/i] No. He HAD to stay awake. At least as long as he needed to ensure he would be getting to safety. He had to push himself... [i] c'mon, razz, c'mon, power through the pain! Awake, awake, stay with it! Focus! Your eyes ere open, pull your head up, there we go... and now... speak![/i] "MINIONS!" He shouted in a rasping groan, "The pilgrim's bar! In the outer... thingy! You know! Just... go!" He dropped his head back to the floor of the cart, sending throbbing pain arcing through him, and making him immediately more aware of all the wide array of wounds he seemed to have covering his body. He managed to stay conscious just long enough to feel the rumbling of the cart below him as the minions began pulling. [i]these... guys are really... well... trained...[/i] ***-----___-----***-----___-----***-----___-----*** Razz awoke in pretty much exactly the same position he was in before. There was just a lot more noise around, and he was being poked in the leg by something or other... had they arrived? He forced his now blood-crusted eyes open, managing to summon the energy to wince at the rush of sunlight entering his eyes. "Good..." he began, but was unable to summon the energy to continue. In stead, the bravest of the smaller humans that were escorting him spoke up, in quite possibly one of the weediest voices he'd ever heard. [i]"We've, er, ser, we have arrived. We think. Is.. is this where you wished to go, ser?"[/i] Ser? He didn't like that. Who did these humans think they were, fixing these false titles to him? The devious bastards. Still, they got him to the bar, it looked like. "Good... good job..." He murmured, propping himself up on his bruised elbows, to get a better look of the bar. It was definitely the place, he was sure of that. "Carry me inside and get... get me sat down by the bar. Then you can run back to your stupid 'ser' back at... back at the army." Credit to the buggers, they did just as he asked, no hesitation or nothing. Impressively trained, though not too smart, from the looks of it. As they dragged him through the bar, he managed to survey the local patrons. It looked like there were some new faces alongside the old ones that he was familiar with. [i] nice to know the old bugger's still dragging in new folk.... [/i] he casually thought, before laying eyes on the bar owner and remembering why he was here. "Darren! Get me my cache, I need some supplies. And is anyone in here a healer of any kind?" He yelled, in what would have been passed off as a drunken yell if it weren't so obvious that it was the abysmal state of his personal health stopping him from talking straight. As he was dumped in a seat by the bar, and while he waited for old Darren to fetch his supplies, he surveyed the room. There was four faces he'd never seen before lurking in the pub that morning, it seemed. Some human lout in the corner, already deep in his cups, a cute little hobgoblin girl and some smart-ass 'tough rogue' type trying his luck with her, and some kind of forest dweller, from the looks of things, pretending to be human. Or was she a water sprite? Whoever she was, she was being very careless with her disguise. He'd have to tell her that when he felt up to anything more than slouching on a barstool and eyeing up the room.