"I think that's what she meant." Kristoff sad to his fiance smiling a bit. He should know since he's taking care of business plenty of times in the mountains and forest of Arendelle during ice harvesting season. No Ashe didn't question the talking living snowman, mainly because she could control and shoot fire out of her hands so something magical like that didn't really faze her. Maybe it would faze her brother though. Ashe's eyes widen in surprise when she heard that Elsa was a queen of a different country. "You're.....you're a queen? Oh I'm so very sorry, I didn't notice your majesty." She quickly responded with quickly apologizing. Ashe began to feel a little down now. No way someone of royalty would ever be attracted to her. Then again she wasn't even sure if Elsa was into women. Ashe was beginning to think if she should accept their help. She didn't want them to get hurt but from the looks of them, especially Kristoff it would seem that could handle themselves. Ashe looked back at Elsa with the same warm smile responding with, "Sure I could use the help, and of course you can ride with your majesty." "We definitely would love to help. You just lead the way and we'll follow." Kristoff told Ashe. The young girl untied her horse from the tree post and climbed on holding out her hand for Elsa to get on.