What the actual frudge- That Kyubey mention and appearance was creepy. Anyway, Michi, That ship gif reminded me of AC IV hahahahahahhahahaahah- *reminded of Blackbeard's death* *switches to ugly sobbing* I'm posting the human's Sol guides here in a sec. Gimme a few minutes. [b]B[/b]y Sol guides, I mean that they'll be the ones that Zephy will be entrusting the humans to. They're battle-hardened babies, so don't worry about getting your precious little characters wounded or whatever. 8) [center][b]GUIDES[/b][/center] [hider=Avian Rider][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/w4pbo.jpg[/IMG][/hider] He was born and raised in Aven, but he moved to Sol because his wife lived there. A member of Sol's army despite being from another place, seeing that Aven and Sol used to have amazing relations and were considered sibling kingdoms. Very nice, always pleasant, just don't hit on Vicky or he'll hit you upside the head with his vigoorian flail. --- [hider=Victoria Sieghart][img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HHaBUS747qQ/Ta6IQrZMCbI/AAAAAAAAABI/UL2DHbRkvmQ/s1600/Red-hair-xD-anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg][/hider] Badass bounty hunter. Nuff said. Don't get on her bad side or she'll whip you in shape with her spiked cat o' nine tails. Don't hit on Avian or she'll throw you off the nearest cliff. 8)