Trice wasn't sure if she believed the old man when he sent her out to find "her other half", surely he didn't mean it in a romantic sense. Since she was in no mood to be in a commitment of any kind. Why did she even listen to the healer of her village she did not know, all she knew was at the time she was scared. [i]All will die if you do not look and do not accept your destiny![/i] The words played over and over in her head but it didn't make it any easier to understand, what in the heavens did the old man mean? She had been searching for weeks for her "other half" but she couldn't find the person. All she had to go on was that she would find him at his lowest. Well at least she knew it was a guy she was looking for, but other then that she didn't know. All the old man said was that she would know the person when she saw him, but still there was alot of men in the lands and it was not easy looking for a needle in a pile of needles. It had been day since she had left the last village she stayed at but she felt drawn to the forest, as if a part of her knew she would find what she was looking for in there. But the forests of Reach were honestile and dangerous, hell the tree's could eat you! Well, so she had been told as a child. She walked a mile or so into the forest when she came upon a camp, she lifted an eyebrow as she looked around herself. This could of been a trap for all she knew, but as she skirted around the camp she found no signs of a trap. She slowly ventured in to take a closer look, but found nothing of value. Who ever was camping here wasn't bothing with packing alot of stuff. Flowing a small trail she went deeper into the woods, she fallowed the old foot prints until she saw something infront of her. She tried to get closer without making a sound but the leave rustled and she had to duck quickly. She followed the person back to the camp once he got his deer, she watched as he skinned the animal then began to cut parts of the animal off to cook. She bit her lip at the smell of the cooking buck, heavens she was hungry. If this was the person she was looking for maybe he wouldn't mind sharing? Though by the looks of him, he was probably just as hungry as she was if not more so. As quietly as she could, she moved into his camp all the while read to defend herself if the need came up. "Are you friend or foe?" She asked in a strong tone but she made sure it wasn't threatening.