"Um... are you really quite sure you want that?" Dssialii glanced up incredulously at the horseman. Sure, he'd been teasing Eeiys with offers of a smoke of his pipe, but both of them knew that there really was no chance that he was going to take it; southern mage weed being what it was, it wasn't really something that magical races joked with. Obviously this fellow couldn't tell from the smell and the distinctive red smoke that Dssialii was exhaling like a dragon what this was; that made sense, of course, since most people never really had much experience with the stuff, other than hearing stories of just how wrong things could go when you overdosed on it (which was incredibly easy). Dssialii, though always one for a good time, decided that it was probably better all-around if he informed this man what he was asking for instead of just giving it to him. "No, you see, this is southern mage weed. You take a whole pipeful of this and you'll be waking up in a decade, like what happened to Vip Wan Rinkle." It was a pretty well-known story, one that wasn't so common amongst the goblins but certainly wouldn't miss the mark with humans. Unless they had horrible parents and no childhood. Had he and Rssilant had children... But even now the strange happenings weren't over. Damping down his load in a manner that suggested he figured it was time to be serious, Dssialii took account of them, and as he did so the line of his mouth bent further and further down until it was an undeniable frown. This was an adventuring party. All of them but the wizard were warriors, he could tell right away; each of them had a sword, or an axe, or a sword AND a shield. And, well, the wizard was obviously a wizard, so it made sense he didn't have a weapon. And all Dssialii had was his spear and his crossbow. And, unlike the way he imagined these other characters (and all adventurers, really) spent their time, Dssialii was one for more peace-and-quiet, even when traipsing about the country, than death-and-slaughter-and-glory-and-adventure. Even when he was gallivanting this way and that over the country, he was just making maps! Well, and selling things, but he wasn't running around slaughtering things! For all their fanciness and sturdy construct, Dssialii hadn't actually used any of these weapons on sentient beings before! And this... well this group just didn't look like a good fit for him. Some fellow getting transported into their midst (some [i]armed[/i] fellow, he noted) by a bolt of lightning was just enough. "'Kay, yeah, you know what? This isn't my thing." Dssialii waved his crossbow back and forth in a way which may have looked like he'd shoot anyone who dared protest. "I'm a glassblower. I'm not a world-saver, or even an adventurer at all! And please, I'm just too old for this garbage. I think I'll just be taking my leave now, you all have yourselves a wonderful time doing whatever."