Blue caught the horned girls eyes briefly in mirth, she was obviously enjoying the mischief at least as much as she herself was, if not more. She considered opening up conversation with the girl, thereby interrupting her date, when a man was carried in by four apprentice soldiers (there was a human word for them. What was it? Squares? She was pretty sure it was squares). All thoughts of bread crumbs flew straight out of her head. The squares placed the apparently injured man at the bar and he started shouting for a healer. She stood and took a small step forward, cocking her head and observing. She would be no help, not being blessed by the forest with any useful magic and only mischief. Could she help? Helping would be work though, she despised that. Blue just wanted to get second hand drunk and listen to gossip. She was sure the local 'easy' had gone through several of other women's husbands since the last time she'd had time to visit town. Again, though the universe was certainly being interesting, it was hardly accommodating her wishes. A brief sigh escaped her and she looked towards the crimson haired man - had he not mentioned he was from the army? Did human squares know nothing of healing? "I cannot heal you," Blue said, her voice ringing out clear and strong, "but I can buy you a strong drink for the pain?" The ragamuffin seemed almost to see through her as his eyes wandered in her direction. [i]Damn disguise..[/i]. She stood straight and stared right back, indicating the barkeeps assistant to ready the injured man a shot of the strong stuff. Blue's wings fluttered in agitation, and her eyes flashed slightly in annoyance. Appraising the newcomer though, she found she appreciated his rough looks and ying yang eyes. "Once you're better, you'll have to share with us all how you came to be so grievously injured, sparing no detail." She allowed a half smile to form, [i]Thank you, universe.[/i]