Name: Silverscale Dragis ((Silver for short)) Age: 100 years old (still a baby dragon. Would be 17 in human years though) Personality: Still seen as a baby, she has many baby like innocent qualities, but she is very wise, far wiser then any human child, when in fact if she were fully human, she'd be around 17 years of age. She's curious, like a cat. Some might even say cats and dragons are a lot alike (in fact they are). She's very talkative (they speak in thought speech when in dragon form) hyper and like a big puppy. Loves getting attention and petted and cuddling (by other dragons of course. She's never met a real human before) [img][/img] (He is the white one) [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] (Ignore the pink. Big blue eyes. When they change into a human, they are... well naked, but they have no reason to be shy or embarrassed by this.) Bio: Silverscale is like the other dragons in her clan, all dragon born and breed. They never originally started out as humans, so they know nothing about being real humans, though they do use their human legs sometimes to have some fun in the forest where they live. They make games out of their human bodies. Tag and hide and seek is one of their favorite games, because as dragons they can't do things like that. Silverscale is the most curious of her pack, everyday wanting to get closer to the village they live above and see a real human and learn about how to be a human, but she never gets the courage to do so. Until recently, she starts to get braver, and gets closer and closer to the human territory, and one day the dragon-girl is found by a human while in dragon shape. The human is of royalty. A prince(princess). Likes: Flying high in the sky, birds, clouds, animals in the forest who are not afraid of her, even if she is a predator. (Silverscale and her clan only eat things out of the river, never anything that would give the villagers warning that they live in their forest.) Using her human form to play games, climbing trees (Human), running, learning how to be a human Dislikes: Humans who hunt them just because they automatically think all dragons are evil, not having the chance to be human like her parents, not knowing how to be a human ---- Sir, are you going to be a prince or a princess?