Following Razz and the squires wasn't a particularly difficult feat. Ashborn made its way down the rocky slope carefully enough, though it was a bit easier for it since it didn't have to worry about broken bones and cuts weren't particularly painful unless they were major. Following them through the camp was some trouble, but it was able to avoid detection for the most part. After all, most of the soldiers were already busy with whatever they were doing and should one happen to glance in Ashborn's direction it just froze. After all, the man was more likely to think it simply a flower they hadn't noticed before rather than a blood-sucking plant person, and Flutterfeather helped with that. And once Razz and the squires exited the camp, it was laughably easy. They didn't make any particular effort to be quiet and Ashborn skulked through the brush alongside the road, blending in with all the greenery. Getting into the town, well that was somewhat more difficult. After all, Ashborn stuck out like a sore greenthumb in a town, and places for it to hide and blend in were fewer. It didn't want to risk the squires noticing it, so it waiting for them to enter before making a run for it. A guard saw it, but either didn't realize what Ashborn was or didn't care since he didn't give much chase. It was more of half-hearted jog after it, and Ashborn easily ducked into an alley and avoided the man. However, it'd lost sight of the squires and the strange, unconscious man. It was a pity, since it was actually interested in the man. In all of its life, Ashborn had yet to have seen a man that looked quite like him. But it didn't matter, its goal of finding a town was complete and that was the important part. Ashborn took the time to take in the sights, or as much of them as it could from hiding. It was early in the morning, but there were still a few people milling about and Ashborn would rather stay incognito for as long as possible. Then, as it was exploring, it noticed something across the street. It was the squires exiting a building, obviously the inn the strange man had wanted to travel to. Ashborn quickly weighed its options before deciding that taking a look couldn't hurt. Besides, there wasn't really anyone on the street aside from the squires and it easily bypassed them. It probably wasn't a good idea to head straight through the door, so Ashborn looked for another route. It had found over the years that many buildings had rafters that were quite good places to perch on and observe. It quickly found a rusted door that seemed to lead into the cellar, though Ashborn did note the old lock lying in the ground beside it. Somebody had obviously been through here, though Ashborn wasn't sure if it was recently or not, or whether they were still here. Fortunately there didn't seem to be anyone around as it entered the cellar. It looked around for a moment before noting the steps and making its way up them. They didn't seem to come up in the middle of the room, so the thin creature was able to slip through rather easily with the tiny hummingbird following. It was also not particularly difficult to climb its way up the wall; claws and years in the forest had made Ashborn rather proficient at climbing. Once there, Ashborn was going to look at what was going on beneath him, but he was distracted. In front of him, on another rafter, was a small ratman eating a loaf of bread. That threw staying hidden out of the window, but the ratman was hiding too so perhaps this wasn't all that bad. Ashborn was still metaphorically kicking itself over not being more careful, however; it should have noticed the ratman before it had climbed all the way up. But what's done was done, they'd seen each other, and so Ashborn simply brought one clawed hand up and waved while Flutterfeather finally decided to stop fluttering around and landed on Ashborn's head.