Elias was just about ready to give up. Not only did he just make an utter fool of himself both by what happened, by how he had reacted to it and how his “date” had, but as fate would it, a wounded man of muddy elven blood was carried to the bar by two squires of the Earroldian army and was even calling out for a healer. Why was his fate so mean to him on this day? Was it karma? Should he have stayed in bed the the busty blonde whom which he had spent the night? Or was it the fact that he had spent the night with a woman that was not his wife at home? Was Klavon out to get him? Or was it that deity of the Grapholan snakes? No matter what his bad luck was caused by, though he suspected he might at some point during the night have used Klavon's name in vein and had her curse cast upon him, he was certain that it would only get worse. The squires must have recognized him. He was their second in command, after all. They must have noticed him and even though they did fear his wrath a little bit, this fear was nothing compared to the fear they held for their Lady General. They would tell on him and the shining Lady Knight of Earroldir would bring down her punishment upon him. Sandee Mursa was not the woman he wanted to punish him. She was downright scary, even to a man who found pain arousing. Debating for a moment whether it was worth taking the chance or not, he looked his little “date” over. He had blown it completely. She just found him amusing. She was never planning to sleep with him, anyways. “[i]Let me pay for your meal, despite not getting what I wished for, my Lady,[/i]” he offered, placing a piece of gold on the countertop, which they both knew would far more than pay for her meal, along with her meals for the rest of the week. “[i]I am so terribly sorry,[/i]” he said, looking her up and down with true, sincere regret in his eyes, “[i]But I am afraid that duty calls.[/i]” He offered his little hobgoblin Lady a final bow before turning his attention towards the wounded newcomer. “[i]I am Elias Nihmgor, Knight of Earroldir,[/i]” he introduced. Usually, he would never use his name in a place like this, but he was required to introduce himself when he was doing anything in the line of duty. It was simple manners, really. “[i]I fear my healing capabilities are far from what you need, but I can at least stop the bleeding, if you so wish? Or I could take you to the Tempel of Klavon and have the Temple Maidens look upon your injuries, if that is to be perferred?[/i]” As soon as he had done so, if the wounded man would allow it, he would be off. He would sneak into the camp, get his horse and other equipment and he would be off and out of there before his Lady General had a chance to punish him.