I'll do my best ^^ Wouldn't want to get bit :D I am done with my Character now. If you'd want for me to make changes I'd be happy to. Just say the word. [B]Name:[/B] Harri Helle [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Appearance:[/B] [Hider=Harri] [img]http://www.finalfantasy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/hyur.jpg[/img][/Hider] [B]Bio:[/B] Harri was born as the second son to the king, a few years before his brothers death. He never knew his brother in anyway as he died when Harri was still a small boy, but the king admired his first born son. Harris brother was already in his early 20's when he died and in the opinion of the king he had been perfect. Of course Harri would never amount up to the expectations of his father as the kings image of Harris brother seemed to grow larger and larger by each year that passed. With a lot of pressure growing up Harri honed all of his skills so that his father would one day be proud of him, but however Harri came soon to realize it would never be enough. He was a great fighter, winning all of the tournaments he had participated in. He was a great leader, looked up upon by his men. He had spent all of his years becoming great and he surely was. The list of accomplishments went on and on from an early age, but it still was not enough. He wasn't as good as his brother, eventhough in reality he had surpassed all of his brothers achievements. Now he is 21 and he has no desire to become king and is actively rebelling against his fathers wishes. Doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants, knowing there is no man that could stop him from doing it. [B]Likes:[/B] To piss his father off. [B]Dislikes:[/B] The king