[hider=Venus Foresythe] [i] April, 2505 It has only been three days since Emperor Mengsk was felled by an attack on Augustgrad. The combined forces of the Zerg and Raynor's Raider's was too much for us to handle. With Mengsk's fall all his dirty secrets were exposed, his lies, his deceit, and his disregard for the life of his soldiers. It all came to light. Frankly, we were sickened that we were all so expendable to him. His involvement in making the Queen of Blades was one I personally cannot forgive. The issue strikes too close to home. Yet, before now, I, like most of my fellow operatives, had no choice in the matter. Now, we are free. Free from the grasp of the tyrant. My name is Venus Foresythe. I was once a ghost operative in the Terran Dominion. However, with the fall of the Emperor I have been allowed to see the injustice I, and my fellow operatives have endured. Ghosts, are you are surely well aware are a rare breed of human born with psionic powers. Upon being discovered they are pressed into military service by law. No age is too young. To ensure compliance and for the safety of the none psionic around us we have had psi inhibitors placed at the base of our brains. Apparently without this devices a rogue ghost can unleash powerful burst of psionic energy causing brain hemorrhaging to their targets, death is instant. Countless other powers have been uncovered that are now gone due to these devices, but more importantly, is our free will that suffers. My life used to hang on the press of a single button at the Emperor's command myself, or any of my brethren would be put to death, our brains fried. No trial, no jury. We are subject to memory wipes after every mission. This apparently was a tool to keep our completed missions confidential. However, not only is the mission erased, but all family, friends, and loved ones. It is as if they never existed at all. All this I have learned in only the passed few days after the fall of the Emperor. It explains so much. The truth has become too much to bear. The Dominion is something I can no longer serve, and with the controls to my inhibitor destroyed and no longer subject to wipes, I am finally free to make that decision for myself. The first in only God knows how long. Still, I have no other skills. All I know is how to be an operative. I wish I could just go home, do whatever it is there, but as far as I know, it never existed at all. This predicament has proved to be a common one among my brethren. Many have chosen to align themselves with Raynor with the hope of at least a somewhat brighter tomorrow. I feel I have no choice but to throw in my lot as well. Still... I wish I could at least find home. Just to see what it was like. Venus A Foresythe[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tDxcy.jpg[/img] [/hider]