Heartless after Heartless fell to Elim's blade, Elim not giving up here. The Shadows were pretty easy, the soldiers being a little harder, but she wasn't going to give up here. It had to be the Crimson Skull Bandits responsible for this, or at least involved in some way. If they weren't involved well... that didn't matter. In the end these beasts were an obstacle for Elim to get to his goal, finding those bastards and making their heads roll. This would just be good practice for when she did so. Luckily her sword wasn't the only thing helping her fight. She had magic too, using Aero to form a shield of wind around herself to provide a very small defense boost while using fire for attacking the creatures. That was when suddenly she quickly turned, noticing a large, armored creature appearing. That had to be the source of these little monsters and she would make sure to take it out so that she could achieve her goals. With another few mighty slashes at the creatures before her the young swordsman quickly did an about face towards the Armor and ran in that direction, dodging, jumping over, and slashing any Shadows or Soldiers in his way, the boy's eyes narrowing as he did so. This thing was an obstacle and he wasn't going to just go over or around it. He was going to crush it. Upon arriving at the creature's location Elim wasted no time charging towards it, beginning to slash his blade as much as he could at the creature's feet, hoping that this could help take the beast down since Elim had never fought a monster made out of metal before.