Character Sheet Format: Name: Age: Gender: Ethnicity: Occupation: Appearance: Personality Traits: Brief History: Specializes in: Weaponry: Other: (I would like to make it clear that I’m looking for balanced, realistic characters and not walking death tanks. Also if you must use a picture, it has to be a photograph. No anime.) [img=] Krieg’s sheets: [b]Name[/b]: Boyd Devereaux IV [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Ethnicity[/b]: Cajun-American [b]Occupation[/b]: Peace Keeper [b]Appearance[/b]: Boyd stands at 6’ and weighs approximately 164 pounds. His hair is the color of lightly burnt oak and his eyes are a mossy green. He takes after his father and grandfather in their high cheekbones and pointed nose, though his rounded point of a chin and thin lips are his mother’s. His complexion is rugged and his muscles are heavily toned from years of strict training. He wears his hair cut short but slightly longer on top of his head, with his hair combed slightly to the side and upward. His clothing echoes that of his father’s, usually wearing a knee-length trench coat with a tactical vest and undershirt beneath it. He wears thick canvas chaps over his jeans and cowboy boots. Thick work gloves adorn his hands with the trigger fingers cut off to maintain precision and touch. [b]Personality Traits[/b]: Unlike his father and grandfather, Boyd is ambitious and a bit less honorable. He wants to lead the Peace Keepers like a general but does not maintain favor with his father due to his brutal and sometimes careless methods. With that said, he will still maintain order and act in a way that he was taught Peace Keepers should. [b]Brief History[/b]: Boyd IV was raised to be a Peace Keeper by his father, the original founder of the group. From a young age, he was taught, above all else, how to dispatch the undead. When the vaccine came around, much of this training went to waste, though it still made him a fierce combatant and survivalist. He answers only to his father, the leader of the Peace Keepers, despite not being second in command. Boyd’s mother tried her best to keep her son from becoming too violent or desensitized by the world but failed miserably. At one time, Boyd IV had broken off from his father’s Peace Keepers and started his own group. However, a conflict with a large raider group in Minnesota cost the lives of most of his men, and he returned home to Tennessee with his tails between his legs. Yet the taste of command and power stuck with Boyd and he now hopes to regain favor with his father and take control of his guild. [b]Specializes in[/b]: Gunfighting, undead hunting, survival, being a jackass. [b]Weaponry[/b]: S&W 66 Revolver, Boar spear. [b]Other[/b]: Boyd liked to drink and smoke, but would trade either for the company of a woman if he can’t have all three. --- [b]Name[/b]: Amira Herat [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Ethnicity[/b]: Iraqi-American [b]Occupation[/b]: Scavenger [b]Appearance[/b]: Amira is coy about her beauty. She doesn’t even like admit to having her features. Her brow line is dainty as well as her nose. Her eyes are like almond shaped pools of dark brown glass. Her hair is thick and dark, though cut short and hidden by her hood. Her lips are full and rounded on top and her skin is like flawless sand. She stands at 5’6” and weighs roughly 122 pounds. Her muscles are clearly defined for a runner and not a fighter. Amira dresses discreetly in a dark grey hooded sweatshirt and a dark blue makeshift hijab . She wears tattered, patched together jeans and running shoes that have seen better days. Her hands are wrapped in bandaged cloth to protect them while climbing or foraging. She always carries a sling backpack over shoulder, it is dark grey with an orange stripe on the underside, the one feature on her clothes that stands out. [b]Personality Traits[/b]: Amira is quiet and composed, but harbors a lot of pent up rage. She’s determined to scrape together a living for her son and becomes violent at the thought of someone harming them. [b]Brief History[/b]: Amira was raised by raiders. Not born among them, but kidnapped from her mother’s embrace at an early age. Only one in the group of scum treated her as a human, a man named Walker, and despite being surrounded by such evil and mistreated on the daily, she chose not to be like them. When she was in her early teens, Walker had a falling out with the rest of his crew and took Amira away, leaving the band of raiders. For a short time they lived on their own, making ends meet by scavenging the city and completely avoiding the undead. However, when the undead began to vanish, it made their presence easily known to other raider groups. Walker’s reputation as a traitor was well known, and he was presumably killed on day. He simply did not return one evening and Amira knew she was on her own from then on. The only good thing that came from being taken from her parents was her son, Peter, Walker’s son. [b]Specializes in[/b]: Stealth, scavenging, escaping. [b]Weaponry[/b]: Medium crowbar, framing hammer. [b]Other[/b]: Amira would do anything for her son, even if it meant ending her own life.