[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/500x_custom_1271199743824_12016header_banner1185309_zps845f074e.jpg[/img][/center] "Sir, you may want to see this," the butler says, approaching the old man in the chair. The man sighs, softly closing the book he is reading before placing it on the table. He stands, showing his wiry, frail-looking frame. The light from above reflects harshly off his completely bald head. With a slight hunch, his skinny neck protrudes from tiny shoulders. Perched on top of it is an ugly, boney face adorned with a beak for a nose. His body is more or less rail thin. Dressed in all black, with a turtleneck covering his scrawny neck, the man looks like his namesake. "What is it now?" Adriane Toomes bellows at his servant. "You wanted me to inform you the next time one of those...things were on the television." Toomes's eyebrow rise and he follows the butler into a room with a huge TV screen covering a wall. On it, a gigantic man in what seemed to be a rhino costume was laying waste to downtown Manhattan. The rhino flips a cop car with ease, before tossing a piece of concrete through another. This is exactly what Adrian has been looking fore. "Prepare the suit. That brute will keep Spider-man busy." [center]**********[/center] "It just wouldn't be a fun Friday night without a rhino monster attacking the City," I say as I swing towards the downtown rampage. Another week, another costumed, superpowered crazy person is threatening my town, and I'm gonna stop him. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Sometimes this job can be so repetitive. I land on a building down the street, surveying the damage. The rhino must have ran straight down this street towards Times Square. Cars are upturned and the beast's foot marks are deep. Whoever or whatever this thing is, it's strong. Possibly stronger than anything I've ever come up against before. This is probably going to hurt. I hate that. Oh well, the life of a superhero, right? As I approach the square, a car flies through air towards me. My spider sense explodes, and I manage to evade by a hair, twisting back as the side grazes across my costume. Landing in the street, prone and ready for another attack, I call out to to the new guy on the block, "Hey, big boy! You a rhino, or is your nose just happy to see me?" "Come on, bug," he says, looking over his shoulder, "dontcha recognize me?" [center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/Rhino_zps9d25bdcd.jpg[/img][/center] As the Rhino rumbles towards me, all I can mutter is, "Sytsevich?" [center]**********[/center] Adrian Toomes soars through the air over New York city. The wings on his arms and the booster pack on his back work like a charm, allowing him to fly through the air with ease. The flight suit, his greatest invention, has always worked. None of the morons in the business fields ever thought so. This day he'd show them, however. And he is going to do it by taking what is dear to them.