Hello everyone! Thank you for being interested in my role-play...but...I have to say 'no' to the people in robot/mech suits, seeing as I would like to keep this focused on the regular prison rats. I know that the 'Rumour' section in the 'Other' part of the CS kind of tell me why they were created, but for right now I will have to say no. That being said... faltzerflame - Sorry, but we already have a sort of 'fire-starter'. I would have picked Big Sister AM's other character, but then I would have some sort of OCD aneurysm attack due to Legion's character being relatively similar, and it seems as if he put more effort in it. Again, sorry, but I'm going to have to decline. Legion020 - You are accepted! Great character, I enjoyed reading the character sheet. Also, don't sweat not having a picture, descriptive sentences are also good. Corporal Lance - You would be accepted happily, but I only have one minor question - When you say that Hope can suspend people in mid-air, that seems sort of like an insta-hit, and if it comes to it, an insta-kill. Also...now that I read it, your character could potentially be OP without really large shackles, and I wouldn't want to shackle anyone, as it would take the fun out of it.. Big Sister AM - I like both of your characters, and if I had to accept one then I would choose Sissy, hueheu. Mostly for the name (kidding). Welcome aboard. So...I think that's my character, Legion020's character, Pink's character, and AM's character that's accepted, while we are waiting on four reservations. 8 People...I think that's more than enough for the prison escape. Don't want to make it too cluttered. Thank you all for joining. (Also, the fourth reservation is for Larfleeze, who reserved himself through skype a day ago.)