Nice ^^ Now time to get the shovel out and try and remember where I buried the chest.... Edit: oh and a thought: perhaps split up the "wall of text" by using hiders tagged with "history", "story", "CS-sheet" etc.? The wall, while being completely awesome, might scare some people away... maybe...? >.< Character(s): //Runner Name: Melanie ‘Mel’ Caine. Age: 23 Gender: Female. Nationality: Southern european. Years as a Runner: 1/2 year. Description of appearance (and outfit): [hider=Reference][img] [/img][/hider] (reference picture - all rights reserved for the artist) Melanie stands roughly around 5,9 feet tall, with an athletic body that is clearly honed through years of physical exercise and training - and while she isn’t muscular, her muscles are honed to be very agile and fast, yet at the same time is seems as if her slim body is able to perform above what that sort of build is normally capable of. Her body isn’t what you would define as curvy, instead appearing more lean in a tomboyish fashion, however her sharp-roundish features and petite build leaves no doubt that she is in fact a woman. She has since the last mission cut her long dark brown hair, so it now stands in a neck-long short mess. She usually keeps a few messy bangs encompassing her petite longish face. Her eyes have an almost ice blue tint to them, standing in great contrast her honey brown skin that takes on its color naturally. Her eyes always seem to have an iron set determination to them, as if she always knows what she wants, and she won't back away to get it - this also means that those that do not know her can feel frightened from her stares, giving her a cold aura. Normally Melanie wears tomboyish clothes and if it wasn’t for her feminine features she could almost be mistaken for a boy. She prefers a pair of black baggy pants and a pair of white/red shoes specially made for running. Above this she usually wears an extra long white tank top that has black and red smudges over it in an artistic manner. Sometimes she also wears a thin black hoodie with a sipper she usually keeps 2/3 closed. This doubles as a good way to hide herself within the shadows. The hoodie is designed so that it has no arms, allowing her to move freely, but at the same time ‘hiding’ her movements. On her hands she wears a pair of dark brown leather gloves with no finger-tips, so that even though longer sessions of ‘running’ she won't damage her hands. Around her waist and upper left arm she has band with a few pockets in them where she keeps different kind of things - this also extends to her black pants that is covered in pockets for various tools. On different parts of her body she has gotten symbolic tattoos, most of them appears to be of asian descent, yet the question still stands if any of these symbols mean anything specific, or if they are just for decour - however they have been on her for as long as she remembers. Yet she always keeps one tattoo hidden; a mark on her neck that most of all resembles a black and white code-bar with the numbers ‘050990’ etched into it. She seems very cautious of this, almost running away if someone mentions it and always keeps it hidden with her hair or her hoodie. It is unknown what it means. Even though the times are sparse and the runners live in constant fear of getting caught, Mel still keeps a pair of earphones in her ears most of the time, she seems to find peace and focus when she has music in her ears, yet even when she speaks to someone she keeps her ears plugged. A brief bio (complete with personality): The girl named Melanie grew up on the rain soaked streets of New London, she has no recollection of her parent, just vague memories of various homeless people taking care of her and the boy that always followed her: Ethan. From the very beginning she was a survivor, she took care of herself, as she quickly came to figure out that no one would take care of the ‘rats’ as those who lived on the streets, away from the public’s eyes called themselves. Yet even one that grew up in the shadows of society cannot run forever; and at the age of 8 she disappeared, no one knew where she went or what had happened to her, some thought she had been turned, some thought she had ran away and some mean that she had died alone on the streets to be forever forgotten. However that is not the case, she was caught and brought to a special institute directly under the Operari-government. It is unknown when Melanie came back - or why she came back. Was she released by the institute? Did she somehow escape and had nowhere to go? The questions piled up, yet she never answered them truthfully, in fact she rarely speaks of her past and when she does she is very vague, however no one is sure where and why she first made contact to the Runners and only a few know when and how she managed to join them. To most she just came to be, a runner that suddenly appeared and through her skills made her way into their society - and perhaps even more amazing; made her way into the praised Sector V. Yet she still isn’t truly integrated in the society of the runners, some still have their doubts about her, unsure whether to trust her or not, since it wouldn’t be the first time the Operari would have tried some sleek method of getting to them. Even though Melanie is obviously being regarded with caution and is being kept under watch she doesn’t seem to mind. She acts as if she is a friend, always smiling and joking. Yet those that look closer will notice that her smiles and laughter are never filled with pure happiness, she always seems to focus on something else, something that is beyond what is currently happening and it pains her. Perhaps it is her past haunting her, forcing her to never being truly happy, and thus she can scare those that are more empathic than others. However even though she can appear haunted, and to some even cold, she usually acts very freely and full of energy, always up for something new and exciting. Yet when the cold dark covers of the night close down on her she always seem to seek the loneliness of her own mind, some have even heard her sob and cry in the darkest hours of the night, but when the sun breaks the next morning she always seems to return to her normal persona. However if you watch her over a few days you will notice that it isn't just in the darkest hours of the night she disappears, at times she seem to disappear for hours, not telling anyone where she went or what she did. Melee weapon: Melanie has a surprising amount of knifes hidden all over her body. Most of them rather small, made for martial arts and really close combat. An interesting detail is that all of the knives seem to be of military origin. Yet if she ever runs out of knifes she can utilize her environment to come out with the upper hand. Though weapons aren’t Melanie’s only forte, she is very very skilled in all sorts of martial arts, being able to mix and match for the needs of the situation, yet always focusing on the body’s weak points. Yet while Melanie is indeed very skilled in the arts of hurting others and protect herself, she is a Runner which means that she tends to avoid any fight as beat as she can. However Mel isn't just like a normal Runner, no she actually shies away from combat, almost never showing her skills when she's in the company of others, yet strangely she is also one of the most hard training Runners, using at least two hours daily for training her body. Other informations: Melanie has a deep dislike towards medical areas, or just areas that bears the "smell" of medicine (or the unnatural smell of "cleanliness" that often hangs in the air around hospitals) - the reason for this goes back to her past, however she has refused to explain it to anyone. She also loves to enjoy beer and candies. Music is also one of her interests - if you get her going on the subject of music she can go on for hours, if you don't succeed in stopping her - which is rather difficult.