Kamron should have known that this wouldn’t have been easy. Of course she wouldn’t simply put on the clothing and cooperate with what he was demanding. The girl’s voice was weak, and her demands were almost humorous. She said she wasn’t a whore, and yet, with the fancy dress clinging to her from the rain, she didn’t exactly look high-class. He stood with one hand holding a blade, and waited as she then demanded to be released. It was a joke. Even if he did release her, she was going to simply have him beheaded anyway. He wouldn’t have been any better off than if he just told the Society that he wasn’t going to obey their demands. Her small monologue ended with her asking his purpose, and who sent him, though Kamron wasn’t distracted by her question enough to notice that she was going for the small dagger in her purse. “Looking for this?” He asked, pulling out the tiny blade that he had already removed from her person. Kamron tossed it to the side. “It doesn’t matter why. It matters that you do what I tell you.” He reached out and grabbed one of her wrists, and then twisted it around her back with her free hand. “If you do not change your clothing, I will change it for you.” He stepped forward quickly, pushing her against the wall. He still had a blade, and it was pressed gently against the woman’s back. He was told to bring her back alive, so the Princess did have that point at least. He didn’t want to kill her. Instead, the man turned the knife a bit, and twisted it so that it began to cut through a bulge in the fabric. He dragged the knife down quickly, cutting her clothing and rendering it largely useless. He released her wrist, and spun her around so her body was facing him. He took the blade and slid it between the fabric and the Princess’ skin. “Don’t move…” He warned, and then slid the blade down, cutting the dress off of her completely. “Now you need to put these on.” He said, gesturing to the clothing he had provided. He stepped back from her, confident that she wouldn’t want to leave wearing that clothing anymore.