Listen. I am not here to flame your thread. I am not trying to scare away people that want to roleplay with this plot. It is well-thought out, refreshing, and new. I wanted to be in with that. However, I found it unnecessary for you to review when I was not even done. This irks me beyond anything else. Actually, let [b]me[/b] break it down. - Don't compare me to Krieg. Kried had a character who fit well into your plot. You told me Kokai 'did not fit this roleplay'. What does that even mean? What are you looking for in this roleplay? I am trying to make a character with underlying values. So what if he is polite? You find it unacceptable that he is respectable? As if I'm trying to satisfy an egomaniacal fallacy? - This is where we actually get insulting. I have never met you, and you are telling me what I am? Are you so sure of yourself? What am I trying to prove, exactly? That I am better than you? I am not. We are both members of Guild, so we are on equals. You may be the GM of this, but why do you make yourself openly insult others? When you even say multiple times throughout the opening post 'impress me'. If anyone, I'd think you're getting high-and-mighty already. [quote=Prince] - You hypocritically made an assumption that you literally admitted to after attempting to insult me for making what you believed to be assumptions. [/quote] I don't know what you are trying to say, so I will assume you were right and I am wrong here. -Again, you are assuming I have an inferiority complex, when you seem to have a superiority complex. So you took art classes? Big whoop, so you can draw. Like that's going to add to your credibility. Dude, why are you so mad? All this digging and digging into my person is reaching for straws. All I was angry about was that you are trying to write my character for me. I was writing why he had such proficiency in these Wind jutsu, things that aren't even that strong. I guess this is me trying to respond to you. Let's just end it with this; pull back your shit, man. I am an adult, don't treat me like a child. Don't even try to say my actions are immature, I am not the one insulting the other. I guess, just don't be a douche, Princy. If something does not fit into your idea of a 'perfect roleplay', you must fix it for the person. Just have a beer, chill out, and let what happens happens. Mr. Years of art class