Rogue walked through the streets, it was getting dark now, and it was time for her to rest. It was like any normal day, she did her daily activities and such, but tonight, she had a feeling it would be different. In fact, she knew it would be different. She was counting on it. She gave a small yawn and walked into her apartment. She was on the twentieth floor. As she walked to the elevator she sighed, realizing it was out of order. She gave a sigh and shook her head, She refused to walk. She forced opened the doors and got in the elevator, then climbed onto the roof. Rogue quickly began to make her way up by climbing up the shaft. When she finally did reach her floor, she forced open the doors once more and got herself in. Rogue walked down the corridors until she came across her door. She unlocked the door and walked in, then shut it, not bothering to lock the door. She then went over to the window, opening it as wide as it would go. She didn't want to trouble her guest, by not allowing him to gain access to her room. Rogue got into bed and gently closed her eyes, she didn't care what came for her, but, she was prepared, oh, she made sure she was prepared for what was to come. She smiled as she closed her eyes, wrapping herself up in her covers. It would all come according to her plan soon.