Matt took a step back. This had escalated far too quickly for him. The horror of the virus combined with the ruthless violence of Freya and the eerie woman were too many emotions to process at once. He took advantage of the current lack of emotion to take action. He passed by the women and closed the door, leaning against it to keep it closed. The female scientist didn't seem the least bit concerned. Was she trying to be brave while being afraid of them, or did she know something that he didn't? Well, technically, she knew a whole lot of things he didn't. Matt decided to pick a topic and start from there. "A virus. You're going to kill us. With a virus. So you want us to stay here for fourteen days until we die? I..." He scowled. The numbness had worn off and was being rapidly replaced with anger. "I don't know what this is about, or why you think it's so funny, but I'm not about to just sit and die. As long as you're here, you might as well answer some questions. Specifically, the ones she-" Matt pointed at Freya "-just asked you. A lethal virus? Is this some kind of prank?"