As the two gave chase to the rabbit, one brunette boy observed them getting farther away. His lips curled up into a smirk when he noticed the rabbit, and he began to casually walk in their direction. This bunny was taking them really far away from the school. How was Patty to make it to her class on time now? "I woke up early too..." Patty bemoaned. Thankfully, keeping up with the little thief was no trouble for one of the school's best runners. She didn't even check to see if Tora was still following her because now she had the little guy cornered at the end of an alleyway. That's when she realized that she had no idea where she was. She was too concerned with the matter at hand right now, so she put that question on the back burner. "Okay, jerk! Give me my phone back or feel the wrath of my foot!" This grimey back alley perhaps wasn't the best place to do this, but he's glad to have her alone now. The rabbit spit the phone out and looked at Patt with determined eyes. "Patty, was it?" it asked curiously. The girl reached out quickly and took her phone back before giving it the stink eye. "You have some nerve taking my phone like that!" "I apologize for that, but it was the only way I could talk to you without anyone else seeing" the rabbit reasoned. He stood up on his hind legs for a brief moment. "You see...what I'm about to tell you concerns the safety of your planet". "The safety of my planet?" What was this stupid thing talking about? As she took her surroundings in and looked at the bunny again, all the lights in her head suddenly flicked on. She shrieked "Ahhh!!! Talking rabbit!!" Patty panicked as she gave a swift and and hardy kick right in the little guy's torso. "Gfwoooooooo!!!" He fell onto his side and twitched a little. Now that his cheek was pressed down in what he assumed was a mixture of rain water and garbage water, it really sank in how gross this meeting spot was. He gently pushed himself back onto his feet and looked at Patty indignantly. "Why did you kick me like that?!" "Because you're a freaky alien!" Patty kept herself in a very tense and defensive position, thinking to use the garbage can next to her as a weapon if she needed to. "Why can you talk?!" The bunny took a deep, soothing breath. "Please...allow me the chance to explain myself. It'll make sense...I hope".