Screw it. He was going to see her. It didn't matter any more. It didn't matter at all. He was going to see her and he didn't give a damn who tried to stop him. Hell, he'd crawl through the hospital window if he had to. Alec was going to see his sister. Of course, with his luck, that window would likely be on the 12th floor, half a foot wide with nothing but flat cement leading up the wall to get there. But damn it, he would find a way to get to her... it was his fault anyway... his fault she got so hurt. Frankly, he looked like he needed to go to the hospital too, with one black eye, an untreated burn snaking along the length of his left arm, another on his back, and various half-healed bruises everywhere else. He looked like he'd been in a fight--which would seem completely out of character to anyone who knew him. Alec was totally pacifistic. He hated fighting. Hated everything about it. No, the scrapes and bruises were from something else that he didn't feel like thinking about. And the burn was something unrelated--well, sort of related and sort of not. Of course that didn't matter, he didn't plan on thinking about either. The only thing on his mind was his little sister, Evelyn, and how he absolutely [I]needed[/I] to see her. So that was that. He wasn't going back to the hotel room--not by a longshot. Goddamn it, he hated having to share a room with those people. His 'parents'., who he'd rather consider strangers. Well, it wasn't his mother's fault but-- --Enough of that. Alright. He would be going to the hospital regardless of anything. If they found out the consequences would be dire, but right now Alec didn't give a crap about that. He bypassed the route to the hotel and headed for a bus stop instead, trying to remember which one he needed to take to get to the hospital Evelyn was at. He kind of wished he had his guitar with him--but of course, it was gone now. Depressing... Goddamn it, all of this was his fault.... He should have known. Or tried harder or... or [I]something[/I]. He sighed. Well, no point in worrying over that now. If he saw her, he could apologise and maybe try and make it right... yeah, that was something. The bus came then and he got on. It was practically empty, which was all fine as he didn't really feel like dealing with people much at the moment. All power to the introverts. It took several stops and one bus change to get to the hospital, but when he finally did, he found himself hesitating. What if she didn't want to see him? And how would he even find her room? He didn't know anything. Nobody told him. Nobody ever did. Well... might as well ask. Maybe they had information at the front desk. Alec headed inside and looked around for a moment. Funny, for some reason he felt like he needed to be doing something else as well... Like there was somewhere he needed to be. Strange... Oh well, it was probably nothing.