Alina looked up from off the ground as she heard the ruffling of a man wiggling off a horse and landing with a heavy thud. There she saw a shirtless dwarf, hairy and muscle bound; warmly tanned from a life lived on the land. She smiled warmly, trying to seem appreciative of his help though it was tough fighting against her exhaustion. The pain at her side throbbed painfully, the distraction hid the feeling of the dwarf's idle hands searching for the herbs she had asked for. Hearing the dwarf offer Alina the herbs she looked up at the man once more. She placed her free hand to the ground and weakly pushed herself up into a seated position and back to rest against one of the small stone structures. She took the offered herbs and bowed her head. "Thank you, Dwarf." She stated, her voice delicate and weak yet ever flowing with a genuine affection. She removed the hand covered in a mixture of fresh and dried blood from her side and began to tear and rip the herbs in half, then those halves into another half. Then another arrived on the scene to help the injured Alunei. A human male, red hair and dark skin. He held fast a canteen in one hand and knelt by Alina's side. "What more can be done for her?" The man seemed to ask the dwarf. "If you co..." She began though her words fell short as another person scope up a small distance away. It was a Goblin, a familiar creature to the Alunei as they both shared a home in Trayig's sand. "'Kay, yeah, you know what? This isn't my thing. I'm a glassblower. I'm not a world-saver, or even an adventurer at all! And please, I'm just too old for this garbage. I think I'll just be taking my leave now, you all have yourselves a wonderful time doing whatever." The goblin stated as he began to turn and leave. "Wa.. nng.." She groaned as she tried pushing herself up to her feet, cringing and clenching her jaw tight. Finally getting to her feet she called out to the Goblin. "Wait." She limped over to the Goblin, pulling herself around to the front of the small creature. She fell to her knees before him, wincing with the impact to the earth shook her body. This was an attempt to keep at eye line with the creature and the fact she was to weak to stand any further helped the decision. "You can't leave.." She plead sweetly, her soft violet eyes locking onto those of the Goblins. "You were asked here for a reason. You are needed for a great purpose..." Her words trailed as she bit down on her lip to work through another wave of throbbing pain from her side. She sighed as the pain subsided. "You can't leave. We need you. I need you. You are meant for great things. Isn't that reason enough to stay?" She softly questioned, her gentle and serene voice spoke sweetly. With that she weakly sat back on the back of her heels, kneeling on the soft grass. She needed to treat the wound now, it was becoming unbearable. She took the torn leaves she had clenched in her hand and brought it slowly to her gashed side. Taking a deep breath before clenching her jaw tight she pressed the herbs hard to her side. The oils extracted from tearing the herbs seeped into the open wound and caused a searing pain. She collapsed in on herself as she whimpered in pain, though she kept the herbs held tight to the wound. It stung like an army of fire ants were biting into the flesh but they healed and cleansed wounds better than any other herb she had ever found. As the pain subsided and wound was cleansed she looked up and out to the man who had asked to help earlier, Oscar though she did not know his name. "Could you help me please?" She called out to him, trying to sound calm though the tinge of pain was left on her lips. "Could you wrap my wound, please?"