Scout watched as both recruits attempted their Joining. When the Tal-Vashoth succeeded, he had only the slightest nugget of temptation to smirk in satisfaction. This was easily brushed aside, as he knew what might well have followed. As a result, his mood did not fall unnecessarily when the supposedly half-elf mage began to choke. He'd seen this before, more than once, in the Deep Roads. Even the Dead were susceptible to the Taint. The memories did not improve the experience, aside from the reduction in surprise, but Scout was as Stone. When his Commander -- officially so now, no less -- spoke to the Qunari... or whatever the horned created was termed, Scout's eyes moved in that direction. Throughout his still-brief life, the dwarf had met criminals, guards, soldiers, and mercenaries of all stripes of dwarven society. He had recognized Maas and his blade for what they were the first time they'd met the Warden party. Still he remained silent, speech not his place at this juncture. Watching, however, was quite within his jurisdiction.