[center][b]Character Sheet[/b][/center] [indent][u]Name[/u] Colin Michaels [u]Age[/u] 21 [u]Gender[/u] Male [u]Arcana[/u] The Sun[/indent] [center][img=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1380409132/800845.jpg] Dark hair and golden eyes are the center of Colin’s appearance. He is somewhat built; however it is with leaner muscles brought about through his love for tennis and soccer. He is on the tall side without being imposing most likely due to his bodies build.[/center] [u]Personality[/u] Colin is creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. He is good at a broad range of things. Enjoys debating issues, but can fall into "one-up-manship" at times. Can get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of his life. Colin is generally outspoken and assertive. He also enjoys people and has been described as stimulating company. An excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions has found him a lot of success in his life.* [u]History[/u] Colin is from a classic family of four. That traditional family has a pattern of traditional with his dad being the major bread winner and the house looked over by his mother. There was a healthy amount of attention given to him as a child with the normal older brother responsibilities added on when his sister was born. Since she is 5 years younger than him he often saw her as an annoyance before the relationship started to mature. In high school Colin took a radio class where he fell in love with being a school DJ for its schools radio station. It started with a small role involving him giving an evening review of current events and traffic. As he got more involved he continued to work with the radio where in his senior year he was in charge of all students’ related projects and airtime. It was easy to see that he had found his calling. Upon graduating he celebrated his acceptance into the radio communications program at University of Vita. While attending classes for his undergraduate studies he applied and was accepted into the schools radio internship. Since he is on the low end of the totem pole meaning he does a lot of busy work including organizing and cataloging the stations giant vinyl record collection. Thankfully there are few things Colin enjoys more than browsing and breathing in the music housed in the archive room. Colin recently celebrated being given a late night spot at the radio station. [u]Other[/u] Colin’s favorite music is Jazz. [center][b]Persona Character Sheet[/b] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/052/6/1/The_Little_Sun_Goddess_TOY_by_Flying_Fox.jpg][/center] [indent][u]Name[/u] Poco Sol [u]Arcana[/u] The Sun [u]Home[/u] [url=http://www.thecitywire.com/sites/default/files/node_files/01-13/Michael%20Tilley/uafs2publicart.jpg]Central Campus Sundial[/url] [u]Skills/Spells[/u] [list] [*]Skull Cracker - Poco runs towards an enemy and headbutts them. Chance to case confusion and knock the enemy over.[/*] [*]Swift Strike - Poco rushes around striking each enemy quickly.[/*] [*]Agi - Poco casts a fire attack at one enemy.[/*] [*]Patra - Poco's light cures Fear, Confusion, and Rage.[/*] [*]Dia - Poco's light cures light wounds and help people recover energy.[/*] [u]History[/u] Poco Sol is the ethereal pet of sun according to an ancient folk tail in rural Italy. Said to be as hard to catch as light itself. Clever and quick Poco is often warm and helpful in stories acting as a guide or giving advice. He is said to also be a sign of good tidings if seen in the summer.[/indent]