In the beginning, there was One. This being created the universe, the galaxy, the sun, the water, everything. He created life, he created death. When He felt he was done, He went to sleep. But more came after him. None were as strong, not by far. But they still had strength. And they wanted more. Much more. *** In this game, you play as a god in Greece. You can be the god of whatever you want, as long as it's not absurd like a flying spaghetti monster. In this game, you can form a pantheon with others, be the One True God, go on crusades against the One True God because you're the Real One True God, just build up a following, whatever. Your ultimate goal though is to get all people on the planet earth to worship you and to ascend to a state higher than Godhood, but however you reach that point is up to you. At this point in time, all area outside of Greece is blocked. If you were to try to go through it, you would sense your power fade away until you cannot affect anything. Since your character is constantly changing through the events that happen in the game, you don't have a regular CS. Instead you will just put your characters name at the top of your post and I'll put your follower count on my post, as well as any new abilities you have gained. If you have any questions, ask. You have the power of a poltergeist until I say otherwise. Rules 1. You cannot decide the outcomes of your actions. 2. You cannot control other Gods or make them meet with you, unless you have their permission to do so. 3. You have a set amount of power, and it directly corresponds to how many people are following you. If you try to go over that limit I'll make it so you just fail at the end of the turn.