Rasca shrugged indifferently, brushing off his kind gestures like dust. "No thanks, i don't wanna waste time scooting out of here. I'm ashamed to know that i fell asleep so quickly." She huffed, a bit upset. "It was supposed to be a trick. Stupid idea." Putting Bulbasaur back down on the ground, she waited for Superior to be by her side again. He toddled up to her, and then passed her up on the way. Taking the lead as if he knew the way to Pewter city, or even where they were going. "Yo, Sup! Wait up, i wanna go to Pewter city too!" Even Bulbasaur charged after them, lashing out his vines to attach himself to her bag strap. Rasca looked down at her friendly leech, thinking of the swing that hung in her room at home.