[quote=Ekirei] Than stop responding to me. I acknowledged I didn't want such an anal GM. You are still responding to me. They didn't prep you for this in all those semesters of College, did they? Stop responding, and I'll stop getting fun from this. [/quote] You are literally grasping at straws for some form of victory. Some reason to think this wasn't an utter waste of time for you. You're not having fun. You're justifying what a pathetic waste of time this is. But, me? I'm getting something out of this. Every single roleplayer will get all of these beautiful posts to read and see what my outlook is on kids like you. And, it's rather simple. I don't want you here. You're immature, sensitive, overly-defensive and suffer from such a great inferiority complex that you wreak of ego stroking. You're daily self-assurance must be worse than the Smaug rant from The Hobbit. If anything, thank you for making yourself the jackass of an example to every single potential roleplayer who may read these. Anyway, this will be the end; I grow tired and I have a girlfriend to see on the morrow. Can't be tired for one of the reasons I don't suffer from such an inferiority complex. ;)