[i]Sometimes, it's worth being a trouble maker at times... Sometimes, not so much..[/i] Myztii's hidden eyes watched in fury as she sat up ontop of a drink machine that someone had pulled away from the wall in a feeble hope to make it drop the contents with enough force. Across the way, someone's child had gotten sick, and the men wearing heavy firearms had beaten her to death for trying to protect him. No matter. Myztii had gotten it on film. She took silent photos of everything going on near her. She glanced down to the side of the machine. A man was beating on a the door to the women's restroom. [i]"Occupied,man! Find your own restroom!"[/i] Her jaw worked slowly. Someone was hold up in there trying to keep whatever measure of saftey they felt to themselves, and it didn't sound like a woman. Myztii watched as the man walked away in a hurry. She waited, no one else seemed to notice what was going on with the bathroom. She put away her camera and small video recorder in her pocket and her camera back that she had wrapped around her to ensure no one would take it, or its contents. She slid off the machine and moved to the door. "Psh, an easy fix." She pulled out a couple of bobby pins and began working on the door almost silently. After a moment she twisted the pins in the lock and heard the gentle click. It unlocked. She pushed the door open and made her way inside, closing and relocking the door behind her as she entered. She looked around slowly, making sure to make no sudden movements in the event someone wanted to jump her. "You know.... it isn't polite to hide in plain sight with so many chaotic things happening out there..." She said calm and quietly as she made her way deeper into the bathroom, her eyes settling on Joe.